Read an article and give your opinions!
Come and practice talking freely. I like to use the chat box often and provide feedback after every lesson.
This course is specially designed for beginners in French (level A0 - A2). It includes learning the alphabet, sounds, basic grammar rules, and the conjugation of verbs in the present, imperfect, and future tenses."
3回1パックのお得用レッスンです。 弱点補強などお好みに合わせてレッスンを組んで頂けます。
「動画を使った英語レッスン」3回パックレッスンです。TEDやYou Tube などの動画を使った英語レッスンです。事前に動画を視聴していただいた上で、レッスン内では音読、ディスカッションを行い、インプット・アウトプット両方のスキルアップを目指します。
An extremely cost-effective pack! You can also exchange some lessons with others. The most important factor in improving your Japanese is continuous learning. Don't stagnate - just keep going forward!
One lesson per week. This pack is for students who want to study Japanese persistently.
An extremely cost-effective pack! The most important factor in improving your Japanese is continuous learning. Don't stagnate - just keep going forward!
Beginners and seniors are welcome♡ Learners who are already learning Korean, who want to review, or who want relearn are welcome too! Please book a lesson of your choice! (Lessons are conducted in Japanese.)
中級レベルの韓国語文法と会話を学びます。 (중급 수준의 한국어 문법과 회화를 배워요.)
Do you want to chat a lot in Korean? Join me for a 20 minute chat in Korean! (No need to worry about grammar or pronunciation~) First timers, beginners and seniors are all welcome~♡ Let’s talk in Korean~!
Let’s talk a lot in Japanese! If you keep practicing conversations, you will be able to speak more fluently. (This is a pack of 5 lessons.)
☆☆☆Practice your conversation skills with a German native!☆☆☆
Award Comments 2024 Awesome Lesson Awards (Autumn/Winter) →
Zoe A
Minami F
Connie Gautreaux
Rafhael Rodrigues da Silva
Emma D