(/・ω・)/{Let's have a fun Japanese lesson in your free time!
Learning a language is super fun and opens up a new world and opportunities! Soon you'll have more confidence when using English!
「できる韓国語 初級Ⅱ」を使用して勉強する生徒さん向けのレッスンです。「ネイティブの先生のレッスンはまだちょっと不安だな」という方にも安心していただけるよう、日本人の目線でご説明いたします^^
初めての日本語はここから!! 日語從這裡開始學習吧!日籍專業老師!會用國語解說!
This is a lesson where you can enjoy chatting freely in French for 25 minutes! You are also welcome to use this as a preparatory lessons for the second stage of the French certification exam!
あなたの にほんごの ぶんしょうを なおします!
韓国語のアウトプットの場所が無くて困っていませんか。 まずはお試し15分からお話ししてみましょう。
Please tell me what you want to learn, what you are good at, what you are not good at ,anything!!
How native-like is your Korean? Test yourself out here!
Through DAILY TOPIC, which is updated every day, Learn many expressions that can be applied in real life and use them in various situations!
This is a lesson that focuses on grammar and conversation. We will be using original textbooks.
Do you want to become good at speaking Japanese? Learn to speak "perapera" (fluently) in this class. にほんごを もっと じょうずに はなしたい ですか? You don't have a confidence to speak Japanese fluently with native Japanese speaker? かいわに じしんが ないですか?
Award Comments 2024 Awesome Lesson Awards (Autumn/Winter) →
Najada J.B
Satomi Piano
Colin コリン
Dunya D
Taka. M