We read the Japanese literary and read old tales in Japanese. (You can practice Japanese pronunciation and rhythm at the Japanese sentence.)
ニュース、コラムなどたくさん読みましょう。 15回のレッスンです。
Chat in Chinese!
【Free Talk】
Looking to practice your English skills? Looking to maintain your English skill? Like chilllin' at a cafe; let's have a laid-back chat! **Can also use your own materials for speaking practice!
After learning rules of the pronunciation, let's proceed to basic spanish conversation. If you've got some textbook, we can share it. If you don't, I'll send you files by skype. Spaish is one of the most beautiful languages in the world. I'd like to s
Are you on a busy schedule? Even talking a little bit every day helps. This is a short 15 minute lesson!
A dedo, Colectivo, tren y mas....
You can learn lots of different Korean words with each subject for 30 minutes.
【日本語⇔韓国語 翻訳/添削】アーティストへの手紙やビジネス文書、プレゼンテーション資料まで幅広く対応いたします。1~2日で対応可能です。
私(講師)もあなた(生徒様)も顔見せしないフリートーク! 肩の力を抜いて友人のように話しましょう。 フィードバック無し、指導あり、チャットボックスの活用はします。
Migliora il tuo Italiano con costanza - Pachetto da 3 lezioni
20 minutes Italian conversation
This is a class for students just starting with their Japanese studies. Let's assess your level and improve your Japanese!
Interesting things about Cebu
5 Children's English Lessons for the price of 4! One class free!
Award Comments 2024 Awesome Lesson Awards (Autumn/Winter) →
Maestra Saya
Ana Cristina
Ayaka/ Klavier
Healing Counselor Sets
Ryoko koko