Let's enjoy speaking English together!
You don't have enough time for the lessons? Let's learn Japanese for 25 minutes!
Let's have a conversation!
Reading an article and discussing what we have read.
Let’s have fun learning Chinese. 快乐学习中文。
Aula Internacional Plus 3 - Intermediate Level
【40分】ゼロからでも、やり直しでも、お引越しでも♪ 「ちょっとココだけ」のスポット利用も大歓迎♫ 発音も音読も同時に学べる総合レッスンです。 ARI T.が厳選した文法、会話文、読み書きをバランス良く織り込んだテキストを使用して学習するこのレッスン、レッスン後にはネイティブ音源もお届けします♪ 対象:入門〜上級者対象
Discount package for students who take this lesson continuously
Leave your Japanese-style exam preparations to a Japanese teacher.
This is the official counseling session. If you have any questions about how to use Cafetalk, our lessons, tutors, or anything else, please feel free to book a session.
仕事で日本語を使ってコミュニケーションしたい、将来日本で仕事をしたい人 初級の勉強が終わった人
Let's have talk freely and enjoy some social or culture talk
Would you like to practice speaking and get feedback and maybe a correction or get an improvement tip? If so, this lesson's for you.
Adults only - French lessons, dialogues, small talks, reviews and fun!
I will customize Japanese lessons just for you♪
Award Comments 2024 Awesome Lesson Awards (Autumn/Winter) →
Dr Misbah
Ryoko koko
Gem C
Charles (チャールズ)
Kyoko O.
Ana Cristina