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Award Comments 2024 Awesome Lesson Awards (Autumn/Winter) →

Thank you for providing such a thorough and enjoyable lesson.
本を一人で読むのはなかなか大変ですが、一緒に読み進めていくことで、たとえ少しずつでもモチベーションにつながっています。また、先生も話しやすく気さくな雰囲気でちょっとした会話も楽しいです。レッスン後も発音や意味が分からなった単語を音声で送っていただいたけるのも、移動中などに聞けて復習に役立っています :)
I have been studying Russian with Vera for a year and half. I like the articles she chooses and she is patient to guide me through the articles. It's been a great experience. :)
Phillip is truly remarkable as a teacher. When I first took his lessons, I didn’t realize I would fall in love with reading and truly understand how to read. I’m so glad I embarked on this journey with him. From short essays to mid-length novels, and now, we’ve just finished a Shakespeare play… it’s been a long journey for me, with many obstacles in reading and comprehension—each one of them has transformed me. I’ve learned to read more deeply, both inside and outside the text (author background, historical context, etc.), to think in different ways from different perspectives, and to interpret characters' words and tones, among other things. It’s not just because I started reading, but also because Phillip kept discussing the topics and related things with me, guiding me on techniques and what to focus on, etc. It’s always a pleasure to exchange thoughts on the works, and his humorous personality is definitely a plus. With Phillip, I can express everything I want to say and take notes without feeling judged. It’s relaxing, fun, and inspiring… With Phillip’s reading lessons, you get it all!
Thank you for always giving fun lessons. My daughter enjoys talking with Cecil and her English skills has been improving day by day!
Thank you for a fantastic seminar! Learned a lot about digital composition!
Eri san's conversational classes are fantastic! I've lost count of how many teachers I have spoken with on various platforms, but this one was the by far the best for my learning needs. Able to converse well, patient with giving the students time to respond, and always excellent customised downloadable feedback that was never just an overwhelming list of words and phrases. Some teachers just have a great intuition and are able to adapt to the language level, and push gently into the areas that need to be improved. I miss these lessons very much now due to our time zone difference. I wanted to tick 3 out of the 4 boxes, but I'm sure she would be great with kids too :)
いつもレッスンありがとうございます。 局後の検討をいつも丁寧に教えて頂いて、上達につながると 感じております。 囲碁に対する熱意がとても感じられます。 特に初心者の方、受講をお勧め致します。
大自然の中で可愛い動物達と素敵な生活をしていて、色々な国に住んだ事があり話題が豊富な教え上手な楽しい先生です。 少しずつ自分のフランス語の上達を感じられるのは、レッスンが楽しくて続けられるからです。 Merci Xavier !
Results: 7 Lessons
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このレッスンは細かい動きにとらわれず、楽しくウエストやヒップをシェイプさせたい方のレッスン!!わかりやすく説明しながらのレッスンですので初心者の方もレッツトライ!女性らしくしなやかな筋肉をつけながら、痩せやすい体作りに取り組みます! 終わるころには汗がいっぱいでてます!オリエンタルなムードの中でレッスンを楽しみましょう♪

Belly Dancing
35 Min.


Belly Dancing
25 Min.


Belly Dancing
35 Min.

Just dance with me, it could be so relax and just fun!!

Belly Dancing
15 Min.

Some magical and feminine moves for your body!

Belly Dancing
Hat Schnupperkurs
10 Minuten   200P
45 Min.
Hat Schnupperkurs
10 Minuten   200P


Belly Dancing
25 Min.

All you need is a desire to dance, and you're good to go! Don’t hesitate to start!

Belly Dancing
Hat Schnupperkurs
25 Minuten   1,500P
40 Min.
Hat Schnupperkurs
25 Minuten   1,500P
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