You tell me what kind of lesson you'd like!
Want to practice your conversation skills? The more you speak, the better you get!
First time learning Japanese? No problem! You can take lesson in Chinese, so you don’t need any Japanese skills. No textbook? No problem! I will prepare everything for you! I will provide files, so no need to prepare anything. You can start right away!
完全オフラインで好きな時間にコツコツと♪ ライティングを習慣化♪ 「何を書いたらよいかわからない!」「書いた文を直して欲しい!」「英文を書く習慣づけをしたい!」「自然な言い回しが知りたい!」...という方、おすすめです♪♪ ※定員に達し次第一時的に募集を停止します。
Practical Everyday English using lesson material
More time to practice your spoken English, improve your fluency and enhance your vocabulary!
Apprenez à prononcer comme un natif français grâce au shadowing !
Let's talk freely in Japanese.
This lesson is recommended for people who want to practice at Japanese speed, and not good at listening!
Need some help? Ask a native teacher! 10% off for a 4 lesson pack!
初めての日本語はここから!! 日語從這裡開始學習吧!日籍專業老師!會用國語解說!
Whether you are a beginner or an experienced pianist, my lessons are designed to be enjoyable and to help you acquire the basic skills necessary for playing the piano in a natural way.
受験向けアカデミックコースです。まずはメールでご相談ください。※ 事前メールなしでのご予約はお受けしておりませんのでご了承ください。(試験対策のみのコースではございません)
Award Comments 2024 Awesome Lesson Awards (Autumn/Winter) →
Nao Nomiyama
Riku Rick
Kei Schönberg
Vera V
sayaka HK
mika tarutani