直近受講日時: 1ヶ月以上前

Short proof reading

500 ポイント
A quicker proof-read for shorter pieces of text; perfect for making your journals and diary entries sound natural-as-native!


This is a perfect proof-reading lesson for individuals with short pieces of text, like diary entries, journals, or weekly reports. Writing like this is a great way to become fluent, because it allows you to become familiar with the sentence structure, grammar, and vocabulary that come together to create the English language. To make the best use of these writing exercises, getting them checked and scrutinised is necessary. 

This short lesson gives the opportunity to go over a piece of writing like this. I will have a look at what you have written beforehand and in the lesson, we can discuss corrections I have made as well as ways to make the writing sound more natural.

カフェトークの キャンセルポリシー


  • いつでも無料キャンセル可能。


  • レッスン開始時刻の24時間以上前→ いつでもキャンセル可能。
  • レッスン開始時刻の24時間未満→ キャンセル料がかかる場合があります。
  • レッスンに現れなかった場合→ キャンセル料がかかる場合があります。

