700 ~ 2,000 points
25 ~ 70 minutes
Qualities you are looking for in your lesson/tutor |
Good for beginners,Fun,Gentle,Good follow:up after the lesson,Caters to your level,Able to explain in Japanese |
Desired Lesson Time |
2,000 ~ 5,000 points
25 ~ 70 minutes
初めて学ぶFP 丁寧に教えて下さる講師を探しております。
Qualities you are looking for in your lesson/tutor |
Good for beginners,Casual,Gentle |
Desired Lesson Time |
2,000 ~ 2,000 points
25 ~ 25 minutes
Qualities you are looking for in your lesson/tutor |
Good for beginners,Courteous and thorough,Caters to your level,Able to explain in Japanese |
Desired Lesson Time |
800 ~ 2,500 points
25 ~ 50 minutes
I would like to speak to a Japanese tutor who currently lives in Japan and who also speaks English. I need some help with corresponding with Japanese public offices and understanding the information on their websites.
Qualities you are looking for in your lesson/tutor |
Good follow:up after the lesson,Easy to talk to,Courteous and thorough,Able to explain in English |
Desired Lesson Time |
1,500 ~ 2,500 points
25 ~ 60 minutes
「Grammatik aktiv B2-C1」の教材を使ってドイツ語の会話の練習がしたいです。A1-B1の勉強は終わっています。B2-C1になると教科書に載っている例文も難しくなり、一人で勉強をするのが困難になってきました。ネイティブの方に教わりながら勉強したいです。
Qualities you are looking for in your lesson/tutor |
Good follow:up after the lesson,Enthusiastic |
Desired Lesson Time |
2,000 ~ 2,000 points
25 ~ 50 minutes
はじめての 韓国語 韓国語ドラマを字幕なしで楽しめるように
Qualities you are looking for in your lesson/tutor |
Good for beginners,Gentle,Good follow:up after the lesson,Easy to talk to,Courteous and thorough |
Desired Lesson Time |
2,000 ~ 8,000 points
15 ~ 120 minutes
여행하면서 필요한 생활영어 위주로 먼저 배우고싶다
Qualities you are looking for in your lesson/tutor |
Good for beginners,Fun,Casual,Recommended for senior and elderly students,Caters to your level |
Desired Lesson Time |
0 ~ 2,000 points
25 ~ 70 minutes
Qualities you are looking for in your lesson/tutor |
Recommended for intermediate and above,Professional attitude,Good for solid study,Easy to talk to |
About the student |
Female,The tutor’s personality is an important factor,I have clear goals,Lessons should be fun! |
Desired Lesson Time |
0 ~ 3,000 points
25 ~ 60 minutes
Qualities you are looking for in your lesson/tutor |
Good for beginners,Easy to talk to |
About the student |
Female,Working,The tutor’s personality is an important factor,Lessons should be fun! |
Desired Lesson Time |
2,000 ~ 2,000 points
25 ~ 40 minutes
Qualities you are looking for in your lesson/tutor |
Professional attitude,Courteous and thorough,Enthusiastic,Able to explain in Japanese |
Desired Lesson Time |