0 ~ 500 points
25 ~ 40 minutes
Hi, I am looking for a tutor in Korean. I want mainly to try a bit of speaking which I have a lot of difficulty with. I am still a beginner. I am studying with talk to me in korean books and I am almost finished with the level 3 book so you can have an idea. I need someone who is fluent in English given my level in Korean.
Thank you
Qualities you are looking for in your lesson/tutor |
Good for beginners,Caters to your level,Able to explain in English |
Desired Lesson Time |
700 ~ 1,500 points
20 ~ 30 minutes
Qualities you are looking for in your lesson/tutor |
Recommended for intermediate and above,Fun,Easy to talk to,Able to explain in English |
Desired Lesson Time |
2,000 ~ 3,600 points
25 ~ 75 minutes
「ねんきん定期便」の見方を教えて下さる講師 また年金は何歳から支給するのがベストなのかも教えて下さる講師
Qualities you are looking for in your lesson/tutor |
Good for beginners,Casual,Gentle,Easy to talk to,Able to explain in Japanese |
Desired Lesson Time |
1,500 ~ 3,000 points
15 ~ 25 minutes
英語のスピーキングを上達させるのに特化したレッスン(upper intermediate向け)
レッスン時間は1回15~25分 パックレッスンでもOK
Qualities you are looking for in your lesson/tutor |
Recommended for intermediate and above,Gentle,Enthusiastic |
About the student |
Female,Working,Pronunciation is very important,The tutor’s personality is an important factor |
Desired Lesson Time |
2,000 ~ 4,600 points
25 ~ 40 minutes
Qualities you are looking for in your lesson/tutor |
Good for beginners,Fun,Casual,Gentle,Good follow:up after the lesson,Easy to talk to,Courteous and thorough,Enthusiastic,Caters to your level,Able to explain in Japanese |
Desired Lesson Time |
100 ~ 1,500 points
30 ~ 60 minutes
Desired Lesson Time |
700 ~ 2,000 points
25 ~ 70 minutes
Qualities you are looking for in your lesson/tutor |
Good for beginners,Fun,Gentle,Good follow:up after the lesson,Caters to your level,Able to explain in Japanese |
Desired Lesson Time |
2,000 ~ 5,000 points
25 ~ 70 minutes
初めて学ぶFP 丁寧に教えて下さる講師を探しております。
Qualities you are looking for in your lesson/tutor |
Good for beginners,Casual,Gentle |
Desired Lesson Time |
2,000 ~ 2,000 points
25 ~ 25 minutes
Qualities you are looking for in your lesson/tutor |
Good for beginners,Courteous and thorough,Caters to your level,Able to explain in Japanese |
Desired Lesson Time |
800 ~ 2,500 points
25 ~ 50 minutes
I would like to speak to a Japanese tutor who currently lives in Japan and who also speaks English. I need some help with corresponding with Japanese public offices and understanding the information on their websites.
Qualities you are looking for in your lesson/tutor |
Good follow:up after the lesson,Easy to talk to,Courteous and thorough,Able to explain in English |
Desired Lesson Time |