2,000 ~ 2,400 points
25 ~ 55 minutes
Qualities you are looking for in your lesson/tutor |
Good for beginners,Fun,Casual,Easy to talk to,Caters to your level,Able to explain in Japanese |
About the student |
Female,Working,Homemaker,The tutor’s personality is an important factor,Lessons should be fun! |
Desired Lesson Time |
900 ~ 8,000 points
45 ~ 90 minutes
Qualities you are looking for in your lesson/tutor |
Able to explain in Japanese |
About the student |
Female,Working,Lessons should be fun!,I enjoy pressure |
Desired Lesson Time |
2,000 ~ 8,000 points
40 ~ 90 minutes
Qualities you are looking for in your lesson/tutor |
Good for beginners,Fun,Good for solid study,Recommended for senior and elderly students,Easy to talk to,Courteous and thorough,Enthusiastic,Able to explain in Japanese |
About the student |
Male,Working,Lessons should be fun!,I’m not a picky person |
Desired Lesson Time |
2,000 ~ 5,000 points
45 ~ 60 minutes
現在G11です。昨年10月に受けたSAT(英語)が 750でした。
今年3月に受けるSAT で800点を目指せるよう
Qualities you are looking for in your lesson/tutor |
Content rich,Caters to your level,Able to explain in English |
About the student |
Highschooler,I have clear goals,I’m not a picky person |
Desired Lesson Time |
0 ~ 2,000 points
40 ~ 60 minutes
Qualities you are looking for in your lesson/tutor |
Good for beginners,Professional attitude,Fun,Good for solid study,Content rich,Gentle,Good follow:up after the lesson,Easy to talk to,Courteous and thorough,Caters to your level,Able to explain in Japanese |
About the student |
Female,Homemaker,Pronunciation is very important,I’m more of a perfectionist,The tutor’s personality is an important factor,Lessons should be fun!,I like to study at my own pace |
Desired Lesson Time |
2,000 ~ 8,000 points
25 ~ 70 minutes
タガログ語日常会話、Useful expressionや文法を基礎から学びたいです。
Qualities you are looking for in your lesson/tutor |
Good for beginners,Recommended for intermediate and above,Professional attitude,Fun,Good for solid study,Uses good material,Gentle,Caters to your level,Able to explain in English |
About the student |
Female,Working,Pronunciation is very important,The tutor’s personality is an important factor,I have clear goals,Lessons should be fun!,Being able to understand eachother is more important than precision |
Desired Lesson Time |
0 ~ 4,000 points
15 ~ 120 minutes
Qualities you are looking for in your lesson/tutor |
Recommended for intermediate and above,Casual,Good for solid study,Uses good material,Content rich,Easy to talk to |
2,000 ~ 5,000 points
25 ~ 60 minutes
Qualities you are looking for in your lesson/tutor |
Recommended for intermediate and above,Good for solid study,Good follow:up after the lesson,Courteous and thorough,Enthusiastic |
Desired Lesson Time |
2,000 ~ 8,000 points
25 ~ 70 minutes
Qualities you are looking for in your lesson/tutor |
Recommended for intermediate and above,Professional attitude,Good for solid study |
Desired Lesson Time |
1,500 ~ 3,000 points
25 ~ 45 minutes
Qualities you are looking for in your lesson/tutor |
Casual,Easy to talk to,Courteous and thorough,Able to explain in Japanese |
About the student |
Female,Working,I like to study at my own pace |
Desired Lesson Time |