Robert S 講師的通知

You have a new coupon! - We're on the Cafetalk Soaring Tutor Ranking!


Congratulations, we made it on the Cafetalk New Tutor Soaring Ranking!
To celebrate this, a new 20% coupon will be given to you. This coupon is valid from August 1st , 2021 ~ September 1st, 2021. The coupon code is 330c1679.
If you would like to see the picture of our Cafetalk Tutor Soaring Ranking, please go to our tutor profile and see the description.
Thank you and see you on the next lesson!

Coupon Name: We're on the Cafetalk Soaring Tutor Ranking!
Code: 330c1679
Discount Rate: 20%
For Lesson: Any lesson except for lesson packs
Effective for lessons conducted between: Aug 1, 2021 ~ Sep 1, 2021
(GMT+02:00 Johannesburg)
