Cafetalk Featured Tutor Interview
From language education specialists to entrepreneurs, former actors, painters and even Japanese tutors living abroad - read what this diverse bunch of professionals at Cafetalk have to say.
Michael G Tutor Interview
All of my lessons are customised to my students individual needs. Everyone is different and the main benefit of one on one teaching is being able to shape my lessons to the varying needs of my student. One of the greatest skills I have learnt from traveling and working around the world is how to quickly develop respectful and trusting relationships with people from all walks of life and cultures.Featured Lessons
30 Min. 1,000
30 Min. 1,800
30 Min. 7,200
Ritz Tutor Interview
Hi everyone. My name is Ritz and I live on the outskirts of London in a town called Rickmansworth. I am a native, British English speaker and I was born and raised in North-West London. I love meeting new people and I’m also very interested in business and marketing. I joined Cafetalk about 3 months ago and I have really enjoyed teaching and getting to know all of my lovely students. At the same time as teaching, I also run a business and I can honestly say that business is one of my biggest passions.Featured Lessons
50 Min. 3,000
50 Min. 3,000
50 Min. 3,000
Satomin 講師のインタビュー
私はレッスンの仕事をしたり、演奏の仕事をしております。演奏している曲は、クラシックはもちろん、場所とお客様に合わせて、ポップスや映画音楽を演奏しています。特に、今はギターとユニットを組み、民族楽器を使って、アイリッシュ音楽と北欧音楽で演奏活動もしています。Featured Lessons
30 Min. 2,000
30 Min. 1,800
30 Min. 2,500
Queenie Tutor Interview
Hi everyone! I am Queenie Kawabe. I come from Australia but I am living in Fukuoka with my partner. Since I was brought up in a multilingual family, I can speak five languages. I am a qualified Chinese and Cantonese Teacher, and I also teach English as a Second Langauge (ESL).Featured Lessons
50 Min. 4,500
50 Min. 4,500
25 Min. 3,000
英検対策から技術論文翻訳まで幅広いレッスンを提供しているTamami講師のインタビューページです。書道に関しては師範免状を持っており、指導経験も豊富。英語の勉強を始めたきっかけやオンライン習字レッスンのやり方などをご紹介!Featured Lessons
30 Min. 1,500
30 Min. 1,500
30 Min. 1,400
Moni Tutor Interview
Hi there! First of all, I’m happy to be part of this great site and work with Cafetalk. About me, I am Hungarian by birth and I learned English in school then in the streets of New York so to say☺ I like the rough feel to this sentence but of course not only on the streets. I worked and lived with Americans and it helped me a lot to get the speed, the fluency and the vocabulary I needed to sound like a native.Featured Lessons
20 Min. 0
50 Min. 2,200
25 Min. 1,200
Tracy R. Tutor Interview
As you know, I really like grammar and examining each part of a sentence to understand why it works the way it does. For me, it really helps when I am studying a language to not only know how to say something, but why people say it that way and what the origins of the phrase are. But I really enjoy both relaxed, casual classes and also more structured classes.Featured Lessons
15 Min. 500
15 Min. 1,000
25 Min. 1,900
実際にはサンマテオというサンフランシスコから車で20分ぐらい南の所に住んでいます。サンフランシスコと違ってゆったりしていて、天気がよくとても住みやすいです。夏は暖かいので多くの人がフルーツや野菜をお庭で育ててます。 -
Marie Tutor Interview
I need to evaluate the level of English of my new students. From there, I would know which lesson to recommend. My Impromptu Exercise lesson is good for intermediate level. It will help them think quickly in English. My focus here is to make them alert when somebody ask them a question in English and how are they going to respond quickly. It's a good practice and fun too.Featured Lessons
30 Min. 1,500
30 Min. 1,500
30 Min. 1,500
ハワイが大好きな宮崎県出身の英語講師Donna Hにインタビュー!
英会話教室を運営し、子ども英語教育の研究をする傍ら、オンラインでも英会話レッスンを提供するDonna H講師のインタビューページです。大好きなハワイのことや楽しく英語を学習する方法などについて聞きました!Featured Lessons
25 Min. 1,200
25 Min. 1,200
25 Min. 1,300