Cafetalk Featured Tutor Interview
From language education specialists to entrepreneurs, former actors, painters and even Japanese tutors living abroad - read what this diverse bunch of professionals at Cafetalk have to say.
Sylvie.Lu Tutor Interview
First of all, I wish my students to have fun and to take pleasure learning French ! Then, I take care that they reach their objectives, giving them as much opportunity to speak and express themselves as possible, in order to practice the grammatical structures and use the vocabulary. Each lesson is adapted to the level and needs of each student.Featured Lessons
50min 2,300
50min 6,600
日本が大好きで日本語も流暢な韓国語講師sumomoのインタビューページです。楽しいレッスンだから挫折経験がある方でも大丈夫!余暇の過ごし方やおすすめの言語学習法などについてインタビューしました。 -
いつも笑顔で明るい英語講師Akko Y.にインタビューしました!
英会話スクールとオンラインの双方で英語を教えているAkko Y.講師のインタビューページです。アメリカ在住経験があり、文化背景などにも精通。講師になったきっかけや英語上達のノウハウなどをご紹介します!Featured Lessons
30min 3,000
30min 21,000
Magali Tutor Interview
I teach French through reading, conversation and writing. I usually provide the materials and vary it in order to become familiar with different subjects. You have the opportunity to use your reading, listening, speaking and comprehension skills. My lessons are fun and laid-back.Featured Lessons
15min 700
50min 3,500
25min 1,800
Edward.C Tutor Interview
First off, as a certified speaking examiner, I can help students who are preparing for English exams. I’ve developed my own testing materials to match the test-taking experience and offer students the opportunity to practice with a real examiner who can provide them with meaningful feedback and accurate grading.Featured Lessons
20min 700
15min 400
20min 6,000
多言語話者の韓国語講師Claire Kimにインタビューしました!
英語や日本語でのレッスンにも対応する韓国語講師Claire Kimのインタビューページです。韓国語英語日本語中国語を操り、現在はフランス語も勉強中。おすすめの言語学習法や余暇の過ごし方などについて聞きました!Featured Lessons
50min 2,000
25min 1,300
50min 2,000
Cody S. Tutor Interview
I am very careful to determine whether my students have specific goals or just want to enjoy an entertaining conversation. Once I evaluate my student’s English level, interests, and personality I try to cater to their needs as much as possible. Naturally, I want my students to see results, but I believe a strong rapport and sense of comfort are necessary to accomplish any long-lasting improvements.Featured Lessons
50min 10,500
50min 3,500
50min 2,500
Michael F. Tutor Interview
Learning a language is a lifetime activity. Even teachers constantly learn new words, rules and structures. Sometimes it feels like we aren’t’ improving, but this is normal for any activity and the more you learn, the slower the progress will feel. And when something is really hard and takes a lot of effort— that is when you are learning the most! The most difficult things we do in life are almost always the most valuable.Featured Lessons
30min 1,200
50min 2,000
30min 1,200
オンラインで歌とウクレレのレッスンを提供するSatomi(Remipan)講師のインタビューページです。ハワイアンシンガーやバックコーラスとしても活動中。余暇の過ごし方や歌が上手くなる秘訣などについてご紹介します!Featured Lessons
30min 1,500
15min 1,500
30min 5,500
MaraLisa Tutor Interview
If you want to learn German or already studied a while and just need someone you can easily talk to… contact me!!! Teaching via Cafetalk is a big pleasure for me and while my students train their German, I learn a lot of interesting things about Japan, its traditions, language and food as well!Featured Lessons
20min 300
30min 1,500
30min 1,500