Cafetalk Featured Tutor Interview
From language education specialists to entrepreneurs, former actors, painters and even Japanese tutors living abroad - read what this diverse bunch of professionals at Cafetalk have to say.
Nicolle C. Tutor Interview
In my experience, learning to speak more fluently is all about being relaxed and engaged with the people you’re communicating with. If you take a lesson with me, I will do my best to create a warm, supportive atmosphere so that natural communication will happen, and so that you feel positive feelings when you think about communicating in English.Featured Lessons
15min 400
30min 700
50min 1,400
オンラインでメイクのレッスンを提供するTAKE講師のインタビューページです。ハリウッドで特殊メイクを学んだり、ルナソルのメイクアップアーティストをしていた経験も。メイクに関するアドバイスやレッスンの特徴などをご紹介!Featured Lessons
40min 12,000
0min 500
40min 2,700
ソウルからオンラインで韓国語を教えるDoori講師のインタビューページです。日本語を話せるので初心者の方でも安心。TOPIK対策のレッスンもご用意しています。言語学習のコツや提供しているレッスンの特徴などについて伺いました!Featured Lessons
25min 4,000
50min 7,200
25min 1,100
オンラインで囲碁を教えるTanaka講師のインタビューページです。老若男女問わず多くの人に囲碁の魅力や楽しさを伝えるべく奮闘中。囲碁を始めたきっかけや囲碁を続けるメリット、レッスンの特徴などについてインタビューしました!Featured Lessons
40min 8,500
70min 14,500
50min 10,500
MichelleRM Tutor Interview
Hello! So I’m Michelle. I am a Health Promoter with a MSc Applied Public Health. Although I live and work in London, I am originally from San Diego, California, and spend my summers working running a health promotion program in rural Eastern Germany. Although my main academic and professional focus is health/medicine centered, I enjoy learning about almost any topic. I spend my free time reading any book I can find, cooking, and watching TV shows and movies. My current personal goal is to learn German!Featured Lessons
20min 800
50min 2,000
20min 1,100
Laura Alexander Tutor Interview
I love to use material that is really relevant to the student. For example, if my student loves playing Volleyball or cooking then I will find material on this subject. I think it is much more fun to lean English using real life examples that the student will find useful rather than using traditional text books. I also love to use interactive material. I love to get to know my students so they feel the lessons have been designed personally for them.Featured Lessons
0min 1,800
0min 2,500
Leeann D Tutor Interview
Hey there! I’m a teacher, a wanna be gamer, and what I would call a hybrid mix between geek and an adventurer. Oddly enough, I became a teacher out sheer anger of what I witnessed in school. I was always a good student, getting great grades, but I was always so bored with school and traditional teaching methods.Featured Lessons
25min 4,500
0min 600
James D Tutor Interview
I have been a professional writer and editor for many years and have been working for a humanitarian aid organization for the past several years. It’s the most exciting work I have ever done because it brings me into contact with people from all over the world. I feel like I am really making a difference since our mission to create clear communications during a crisis situation, to give affected people “news they can use.”Featured Lessons
50min 2,500
25min 1,300
50min 2,500
文法や日常会話からビジネス中国語、検定対策まで幅広い中国語レッスンを行うPon講師のインタビューページです。中国では大学講師をしていた経験も。日本語を習得した方法やおすすめのレッスンなどをご紹介します!Featured Lessons
20min 1,000
25min 2,000
25min 2,000
英会話とアメリカ手話を教えるYumi W.講師にインタビュー!
オンラインで英会話とアメリカ手話(ASL)のレッスンを行うYumi W.講師のインタビューページです。アメリカ在住歴は人生の半分以上。レッスンの特徴をはじめ、ASLとはどういったものなのかなど、盛りだくさんです!Featured Lessons
60min 2,500
60min 3,500
90min 4,800