Cafetalk Featured Tutor Interview
From language education specialists to entrepreneurs, former actors, painters and even Japanese tutors living abroad - read what this diverse bunch of professionals at Cafetalk have to say.
Professeur Nico French tutor interview
My name is Nico, I am a French teacher. I also teach Latin and French literature. I have invested in many French textbooks to teach all the students need. They do not need anything, I always send them a copy of the textbooks that I consider the best for what they want to study. After that, I try to write a detailed feedback and give a homework assignment after each lesson.Featured Lessons
15min 700
15min 10,500
0min 1,000
Yoshie O Japanese Tutor interview
Thank you so much for those who are studying with me regularly and also who have taken my lessons before. I truly enjoy talking with you and I hope I can continue supporting your Japanese studying. If there is anyone who is interested in trying my lessons, you are always welcome! I look forward to talking with you and studying Japanese together.Featured Lessons
25min 1,000
50min 1,800
50min 2,500
CarrieKanae ダンスフィットネスインストラクターのインタビュー
私自身がさまざまな種類に挑戦してきたからこそ、それぞれのワークアウトの良い所と悪い所が見えてきました。それぞれの良い所を出来るだけ組み合わせ、誰でも・無理なく・楽しんで・続けられるワークアウトに改良し続けています。基本的にはセルフマッサージ・ストレッチ・ダンスフィットネス・ヨガエクササイズ・バレエエクササイズを通してレッスンを組み立てていますが、受講者さんによって配分ややる事を変更したりしています。Featured Lessons
Franzis - German Tutor interview
I think the best method to study any language is a mix of reading, speaking and listening, but it is also important to do everything step by step. Practice frequently, try to use the things you learned and don’t stress yourself. This is the key for having fun while learning German and to keep going with every language. :) If you have the chance to visit Germany, please take it. It is always a great way to learn the language and to understand the culture and the people.Featured Lessons
45min 1,700
30min 1,300
30min 2,100
sakae.s Tutor Interview
Hi! I am sakae. I teach Thai and Japanese. Before I started to teach in Cafetalk, I used to teach Thai to Japanese natives who lived in Thailand, and also taught Japanese to Thai speakers. I enjoy my teaching experience in Cafetalk. I get to know many students from different parts of the world. Seeing them grow in my lessons brings me joy.Featured Lessons
50min 1,400
50min 1,300
25min 700
Yoko 講師ストーリー
2008年12月から韓国・ソウルに暮らしている、Yokoと申します。現在フリーランスで翻訳業を主に仕事をしています。元は私もみなさんと同じく、韓国語学習者でした。日本人だからこそ、教えられることはたくさんあると思います。また、これまで韓国人を対象とした日本語講師の経験も有ります。カフェトークでは「言葉を教える」という経験+韓国語の習得経験を生かし、いろんなレッスンを開講し、提供しております。Featured Lessons
0min 2,500
50min 2,000
0min 3,000
TEY 韓国語講師のインタビュー
日本の暮らしは長いですが、周りには韓国好きな方があまりいませんでした。しかしカフェトークをきっかけに韓国語を勉強したい方がこんなにたくさんいることを知って、とても嬉しいです! レッスンについて不明な点ありましたらいつでも気軽にメッセージください。 -
Miki. Kw 日本語講師のインタビュー
最近一番リクエストが多いのはN3文法(中→日翻訳)です。文法レッスンと聞くと、会話があまり練習できないようなイメージを持たれるかもしれませんが、文法説明は必要最低限にとどめ、会話への応用練習を中心にレッスンを進めています。 -
Italian tutor Giorgia Speranza interview
I’m Giorgia and I was born and raised in Rome, Italy. Learning a language, especially Italian, may feel quite intimidating at first but you don’t have to worry. Don’t expect to know everything in one month. Learning a language is like making a puzzle, you will eventually put all the pieces together but it takes time - in the meantime, just enjoy the process!Featured Lessons
20min 300
30min 1,400
30min 1,600
Emi.E Tutor Interview
Hi! I am Emi. I teach Japanese and Korean in Cafetalk. I offer many lessons, which varies from the one using textbooks, picture descriptions, and to a Q&A session. Each of my student and I decide on which lesson would be the most effective in his/her study in our counceling lesson. In order to keep my teaching enojoyable to my students, I always adds small new things in my teaching materials.Featured Lessons
15min 500
0min 300
25min 2,400