Cafetalk Featured Tutor Interview
From language education specialists to entrepreneurs, former actors, painters and even Japanese tutors living abroad - read what this diverse bunch of professionals at Cafetalk have to say.
Saori.Y Tutor interview
Hello! I am a Japanese tutor, Saori. I would recommend my JLPT preparation lessons. Beside learning grammars and expressions with using the textbooks, students can prepare for the listening section. Also, my "Article Reading in Japanese" lesson is also recoomendable. Students can choose any articles by themselves, and they can select a novel or a literature if they would like to.Featured Lessons
50min 11,500
25min 1,100
日本出身ですが、現在はメキシコの言語センターで日本語を教えています。日本には35年間住んおり、長い間横浜に住んでいました。メキシコに住みはじめて3年目になりますが、異文化の世界で日本語を教えるのはとても面白いです。生徒は全員メキシコ人ですが文化の違いから中々伝わらない表現があったり、スペイン語にはない発音があったりと試行錯誤しながら教えています。Featured Lessons
20min 700
50min 1,300
50min 4,700
Rum ヨガ講師のインタビュー
ヨガのインストラクターRumと申します。2006年にオーストラリアのネイチャーケアカレッジを卒業してから、印度や各地で研修を続けながらヨガを教えています。リラックスヨガ、シヴァナンダヨガがおすすめです。またご希望に応じて、他の全てのレッスンにおいても、リクエストの際、コメントくだされば、生徒様にあわせながら、レッスンしていきます。Featured Lessons
30min 1,800
60min 3,800
60min 3,600
Arturo Tutor Interview
To resume what I stated above, the key to language learning is exposure. Therefore, I created an intensive course of daily lessons for Japanese nationals who need to learn Italian efficiently and in a relatively short time. After a few months, you will reach results that you never dreamed possible. Please feel free to book your free orientation lesson!Featured Lessons
50min 2,000
25min 1,100
50min 2,000
May K. 講師のインタビュー
私の子供向けピアノレッスンでは飽きることがないようテンポよく進めていきます。集中力が途切れてしまいそうな時は、手遊びしたり歌をうたったり気分転換をします。そうすると小さな生徒さんもまた頑張ることができるんですよ。またモチベーションがアップするように、生徒さんが楽しんで「できるようになった!」という経験を多くしてもらうよう心掛けています。Featured Lessons
25min 1,600
25min 1,600
40min 2,600
Matryoshka Tutor Interview
If you are interested in either solid grammar study or having fun and speak Russian, I would be happy to help you. I am always open for any kinds of requests in terms of teaching style, pace, topics, videos, etc. Finally I believe partnership and communication will make our lessons more productive and I am all about individual attention to students and methods that will suit them. I do my best to make the study fun and efficient. Together we can make things work! -
子どもから大人まで指導するピアノ講師Maeda Masumiにインタビュー!
ピアニストとしての演奏活動に加え、音楽教室やオンラインでピアノのレッスンを行っているMaeda Masumi講師のインタビューページです。ピアノを始めたきっかけやウィーンへの留学経験について伺いました!Featured Lessons
30min 3,000
60min 5,000
60min 3,500
Mary L Tutor Interview
I think I’m really easy to talk to, and I also recommend lots of expressions and vocabulary during conversation lessons. I always take notes in the Skype chat box so students can see corrections and study them later. For my advanced students I try to challenge them to not only use difficult vocabulary, but also choose topics that spark debate and interesting conversation. I want students to be able to share and explain their opinions in English, not just talk about basic topics.Featured Lessons
0min 800
0min 3,000
0min 5,000
Audrey Tutor Interview
I ask new students their reasons and goals in studying English. Some students learn English as a hobby, and some learn it because they need it at work. Understanding their goals help me plan the lesson topics accordingly. I let them talk, and when they are stuck with the right word or make a grammar mistake, then I correct them, and write the sentences on the chat-box. I know a few Japanese words, so that helps.Featured Lessons
25min 1,100
30min 1,200
子どもから大人まで幅広い年代への指導経験があるkittykitty講師のインタビューページです。通訳として世界各国を見てきた経験も。アメリカ滞在時の思い出やレッスンの様子についてインタビューしました!Featured Lessons
30min 1,200
60min 2,400
20min 1,600