Cafetalk 講師採訪
Cafetalk 擁有多樣的專業線上講師陣容。
Cafetalk 擁有多樣的專業線上講師陣容。
30 分鐘 1,200 點
50 分鐘 1,800 點
30 分鐘 1,000 點
40 分鐘 2,800 點
50 分鐘 3,600 點
50 分鐘 6,800 點
Lester Tutor Inteview
Lessons like The Alphabet, Verbs, Animals and Describing People are great places to build your vocabulary. However, for both beginners and advanced students, my best class is English Conversation. I truly believe that casual conversation is the best way to learn a new language.特色課程
50 分鐘 4,000 點
60 分鐘 4,000 點
50 分鐘 3,100 點
特別なきっかけというものはないんですよね、これが。私の年代としてはごく普通に、中学1年生から英語を学校で習い始めたわけで…、英会話教室など通った経験もなく。ただ逆に、少なくと私のレベルまでの英語力を身につけるのに、特別な「きっかけ」も「秘策」も必要ないんだ、ということを励みにしてもらえればと思います。ラッキーだったのは、出会った英語の先生とは基本的に相性が良かったことでしょうか。「厳しい先生」に当たることが多かったと思いますが、おかげで英語は毎日学習する習慣がつき、実際に力もついたわけで感謝しています! -
様々な視点から英語を教えているKimmie講師のインタビューページです。渡豪したのは日本でビジネスレベルの英会話力を身につけてから。自身の勉強法に加え、渡豪のきっかけやオーストラリアのおすすめスポットなどもご紹介します! -
James G Tutor Interview
My first degree was interesting and I enjoyed it, but in the UK everyone goes to university at eighteen and I don’t think people are old enough to know want they want to do with their lives. I am 27, but when I was 25 I decided I didn’t want to work at the BBC any more and decided to study Brewing and Distilling at university, which means beer and whisky making. Now I have qualified and will become a brewer and make beer in England.特色課程
30 分鐘 1,100 點
60 分鐘 2,000 點
30 分鐘 1,000 點
Rozitah Tutor Interview
I had been an IELTS examiner for 10 years and have given face-to-face workshops for candidates at conferences in various countries. The picture shows one of the sessions I've given to a group of teachers. I have also seen many mistakes candidates make in their writing and speaking, so my lessons focus on moving students towards getting the score they need with IELTS.特色課程
50 分鐘 18,000 點
50 分鐘 20,000 點
0 分鐘 75,000 點
James Tutor Interview
I sometimes make suggestions and often look at the days news stories before the lesson and look for something that is appropriate for that student. We normally find an article very quickly and the student starts by reading the article to me. I pay attention to the student's pronunciation, rhythm, word stress, sentence stress and intonation.特色課程
30 分鐘 1,500 點
55 分鐘 2,500 點
30 分鐘 1,500 點
0 分鐘 1,500 點
60 分鐘 2,000 點
30 分鐘 1,000 點
Jenny Tutor Interview
I would like to thank you for your efforts! By working hard to learn English, you become an inspiration to others (myself included!) not only with language study, but also with working to achieve your goals and being as happy as possible. I would love to help you whether you need rigid study for work or just want to relax and express your thoughts freely.特色課程
0 分鐘 2,000 點
0 分鐘 700 點