Cafetalk Featured Tutor Interview


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Hazuki Tutor Interview

Q. Hi Hazuki! Thank you for taking the time to do this interview. May we ask you to briefly introduce yourself?

A. Nice to meet you, my name is Hazuki, and I am an English conversation tutor. I wanted to pursue a career in teaching English, which was inspired by my English teacher from junior high school. I have been working as a tutor since my college years. I love English and teaching, and I have over 8 years of teaching experience. I have also gone on a working holiday in Australia.

Q. Please tell us more about your hometown and the area where you currently reside.

A. I was born and raised in a rural town in Wakayama Prefecture. After graduating from university in Hyogo, I spent two years in Gifu, but I have now returned to my hometown in Wakayama, where I currently work as a cram school teacher and an online English conversation tutor. There are no large shopping malls nearby, but for someone like myself who wants to live quietly, it is the best place to live!

Tutor Hazuki
Q. What motivated you to become a tutor on Cafetalk?

A. I have been teaching online for around three years, but I wanted to take on a new challenge, and since my favorite YouTuber was teaching on Cafetalk, I wanted to give it a try. I started offering lessons on Cafetalk in October 2024, and although I have only been teaching for a short time here, my students have been very kind, and I have been enjoying the lessons with them. I love Cafetalk!

Q. What are you usually up to when you're not teaching on Cafetalk? What are your hobbies and interests?

A. I am completely an indoors kind of person, so I usually stay at home. I enjoy watching Netflix and YouTube. There are many dramas and anime that I love, but I especially love “Stranger Things” and “The Apothecary Diaries,” which I have watched multiple times. I am also a big fan of “Conan,” and I watch the anime every week on TV. When a new Conan movie is released, I sometimes go to watch it two weeks in a row. Occasionally, I also like to visit cafés. I love sweet things!

I also like to visit cafés. I love sweet things!
Q. A lot of students are probably curious about the atmosphere in your lessons. What can a student imagine a lesson with you to be like? What’s your teaching style?

A. In my lessons, I use textbooks designed for beginners to intermediate level learners. The main point of my lessons is to make “learning English enjoyable” rather than just “learning English.” My lessons are designed to be fun and to motivate you.

Q. Which lessons would you recommend to your students?

A. I especially recommend my “Instant English Composition by Phrase” lesson. This is an instant English composition lessons that uses phrases you might often encounter while watching YouTube or TV dramas in English. I think this lessons is great for those of you who find it difficult to come up with English sentences quickly.

Q. Finally, would you like to leave a message for your current and future students?

A. To my current students,
Thank you so much for choosing my lessons among so many options. I can really feel your desires to “want to be able to speak English!” and “I love English!” which motivates me to teach and learn even more.

I hope that anyone who is interested in taking my lessons can come and join me without feeling nervous. I look forward to the day I can meet all of you.
Let’s enjoy English together!



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