Hi, my name is Silvia Raya. I am Mexican and live in Guadalajara,the second largest city in Mexico.I have been involved in teaching languages for almost 30 years now. I majored in Linguistics and have a degree in TESOL. I have taught English most of my life at Junior High, high Scooland College levels but have taught Spanish for a couple of American universities in their immersion program here in town.
I speak English (level C1) and a little Italian. I took several courses but since I haven't use it in ages, it is all rusty. But I do love pasta and espresso!!
I love teaching and have taught not only language courses but Linguistics, Methods and Techniques of Teaching, History of Mexico and Mexican Culture as well.I also have a Diploma in Mexican History.
I am so much in favor of the Communicative Approach. That is, it is very important to work on situations and communication skills. Students have particular needs, I know such as grammar, spelling,vocabulary but once they feel confident in fluency and pronunciation, they will pay closer attention to thse specific details which might need memorization, patterns work, etc.
It is very important for me to make students feel motivated to learn a language so the activities to do will aim at everyday situations with freer practice and time for specific questions as well.
I am sure you will gain a lot of practice in my lessons. I highly recommed convesation classes because they'll make my students develop fluency.
One more type of lesson we can work with is Learning Mexican History in small doses. We will talk about particular episodes or importnt people in my country.
Of course, teaching is nt the only thing I do...I drink coffee (love it), read novels or biographies and watch over and over Meryl Streep's movies. I love travelling, visiting other countries and learning about their costums.

¡Nos vemos en clase para aprender y compartir experiencias!