Riku Rick Tutor Profile

Here is my introduction in both English and Japanese.
Hello, there!
I am a Japanese resident who speaks English. If you are a learner of Japanese or planning to become part of our community (any incentive is fine if it's about leaning the language), you'll definitely need someone to help you out, and I'll explain whey I'll be the best fit.
I have had a teaching experience of 10 years as a high school teacher and now been working as an interpreter/translator in a company. I have a broad knowldege of both Japanese and English through my sutdy abroad in the States and Europe for two years. I also have several language qualification including English proficiency test grade 1 (eiken 1), TOEIC 920, TOEFL 95. If you are a Japanese learner, I’ll be willing to teach you the language with great examples and plans.
I'm a pretty open-minded person and ready to broaden my views toward the world out there. Throughtout my life, I have met so many great people and just been shocked how where I live now is so small and the life could be coursed better. Therefore, to keep my life more meaningful, I have decide to start as an instructor on this website to find enthusiatic learners of Japanese and English.
高校時の海外への修学旅行がきっかけで、英語に強い興味を示すようになる。大学時に留学制度を利用し、2年間を海外で過ごす。アメリカで英語の基礎基本(TESOL、Linguistics、Educationなど履修)を学び、2年目はヨーロッパにてその「使用」に重点を置く(Public Speaking、Multi-cultural Communicationなど履修)。
帰国後は、英語を使う職場で外国人と働く。その後、転職を機に、自身の英語力をさらに発揮し貢献できる職場を探している。英検1級、そして10年ぶりに受験したTOEIC RL 915点(2019)、TOEIC SW 360点(2019)、TOEFL iBT 92点(2019)、EPT 80点(2019)の資格とともに、英語講師通訳者・翻訳者として活動中。