Victor Trejo 讲师的个人介绍

Hello, everyone!
I have a natural passion for languages, so I will be happy to assist you learning
English or
Spanish (or CAD).
I have worked as a teacher for the last 4 years, with students of all ages. Language learning has always been fascinating for me and I hope to transmit you that outlook.
Are you willing to learn a language?
Great! You've achieved a lot. Now I will do my best to keep you motivated, making the learning process enjoyable, fun and professional.
If you ask me -and I hope you ask me a lot of different things, I'm rather friendly. During most of my teenager years I was really shy, so I understand how it feels when your communication skills are limited.
And, just as you are, I am also an avid learner of languages. I'm studying Japanese right now! This has taught me to be patient and aware of my mistakes while using a different language.
Don't be afraid of making mistakes!
We trip a lot before we learn how to walk! Once again, don't hesitate to ask me anything!
In my spare time I keep busy reading, doing some woodwork, riding my mountain bike or just relaxing with my cat.
******************************************¿Estás aprendiendo español? instagram: @amadeus_qod
twitter: @espa_tweets
Imágenes y frases en español. ******************************************

Currently reading: The hunch back of Notre Dame "...con el paraíso en el corazón." Alexandre Dumas ****************************************
¡Perdí mis lentes! Por eso cambié mi foto de perfil. Me simpatizan mucho las personas que aprenden un segundo (o un tercer) idioma. Incluso quienes lo hacen por hobby, porque están haciendo algo por ellos mismos. ¡Diviértanse en el camino!
Hello, everyone! 皆さん、こんにちは! I have a natural passion for languages, so I will be happy to assist you learning English or Spanish (or CAD). I have worked as a teacher for the last 4 years, with studen...