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Tutor’s Columns

Erfahrungsberichte und interessante Geschichten - direkt von den Cafetalk-Tutoren für die Schüler.
Published 12 May, 2024 | View: 1425
I'm not sure if I'm going to make this a regular thing, but it was fun experimenting with video edi...
Published 31 Jan, 2024 | View: 1933
Hello everyone, I set up an english audio blog recently (I've been procrastinating since last year,...
Hello everyone! Today, I went to a chiropractor for the first time. I had a lot of neck pain becaus...
Published 2 Sep, 2023 | View: 2475
Yesterday was one of those spontaneously wonderful days. On a complete whim, my friend messaged me ...
Published 30 Aug, 2023 | View: 2515
Life has a way of throwing us curveballs just when we least expect them. For me, the most recent on...

Hello, my name is Karen! 

I'm a full-time teacher, online and offline. To date, I've taught over 10000 lessons in total. 

I've been teaching for almost 10 years now. My students are mostly working professionals and hobbyists. Their ages range from 15 to 70 years old. I often receive requests such as: 
  • Job interview [就職面接]
  • Business trip [出張]
  • Live abroad [外国で暮らす]
  • Cultural exchange [文化交流]
  • Expressing opinions in meetings [会議での意見表明]
  • Preparing for presentations [プレゼンテーションの準備]
  • General, everyday conversations [一般的な日常会話]
  • Essay / e-mail writing [エッセイ・メールライティング]
  • CV/Resume advice [履歴書・履歴書のアドバイス]
A little bit about me:

I've been living in Japan for 9 years, and I've grown to love the country. I'm hoping to stay here long term and continue teaching English. Before Japan, I also lived in England, New Zealand and Indonesia. 

My favorite place in Japan is Osaka [大阪]. My favorite food is chawanmushi [茶碗蒸し] and sukiyaki [すき焼き].

In my spare time, I like to read and hang out with my dogs. I currently have 8 dogs, so I'm always busy! (Don't worry. They won't affect the lesson, because I never let the noisy ones in my office!)

I also love singing, but I'm not good at it. 

My teaching style:

I love it when my students learn something new. I believe it's also important that students enjoy their learning experience. No fun, no gain!

My teaching style is flexible, because everyone learns in a different way. However, I do believe students should talk as much as possible during the lesson!

I value myself as a professional. Every lesson will be centered on the student, and I will adjust my lessons accordingly. Every lesson, you will get detailed notes from me. It will include corrections, new vocabulary and phrases. On average, I give at least 1 page of notes for a 25-minute lesson.

Thank you so much for reading.


My other passion: penmanship

------------UPDATE FEBRUARY 2023--------------

As a part of my New Year's resolution, I am making my own podcast channel. I hope this will help you train your listening skill! If there's any topic you'd like to me to discuss on the show, please let me know!


Join my audio blog for free to improve your listening skill!


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  • Mehr als 24 Stunden vor Kursbeginn→ Stornierung jederzeit möglich
  • Weniger als 24 Stunden vor Kursbeginn→ Stornogebühren können anfallen.
  • No-Show→ Stornogebühren können anfallen.
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