May Lee Tutor Profile

❝Due to a new job starting in mid-May, I will only be able to offer weekday classes in the evenings.
If you would like to take my lesson on a weekday, please send me a message before booking a lesson!❞Nice to meet you!
My name is May and I'm Korean.
Now, I'm studying at the Graduate School of Law at Waseda University.
I started teaching Korean to foreigners when I was a university student.
Most of my students were Japanese and I started teaching based on a coincidence. However, as I grew fond of teaching, I've been teaching as a tutor and a volunteer.
I want to utilize my language ability and teach Korean to as many students as possible!
Please don't hesitate to contact me!
【 Cafetalk Translation / September 2020 】 Please note that this profile has been translated by Cafetalk for easier understanding. ==========================================
일본 와세다대학교 법학연구과에서 석사과정 중인 메이라고 합니다.
일본어를 공부하면서 개인적으로 가장 어려웠던 부분이 비즈니스 일본어였습니다.
아예 단어조차 다르다보니 일본어를 새로 공부하는 느낌이었습니다.
학교에서 유학생대상으로 열리는 비즈니스일본어 수업도 계속 찾아 듣고
또 대학원생 조교로 1년간 근무하면서 실제로 비즈니스 이메일을 많이 쓰다보니
이제는 익숙해졌답니다!
비즈니스일본어를 공부해 보고 싶으신 분들은 주저말고 연락주세요!