☆四柱推命 × 心理学 × 脳科学
☆中医学 × 体質改善
☆県立高校英語教師歴10年☆占いの本場・台湾在住 ~あなたは、あなたらしく、生きていますか?~ 教育現場で発達心理に携わる傍ら 脳科学や量子力学を独学で勉強。夫の転勤で仕事をやめやってきた台湾で 占いの帝王、四柱推命に出会いました。 四柱推命は「占い」であり、「学問」でもあります。 様々な学問が手を変え品を変え、我々に伝えていること それは突き詰めると 「自分らしく、幸せになろう」 壁にぶつかったとき、自分を見失いそうなとき、 あなたの背中をそっと押してくれる 自分らしく生きる手助けをしてくれる それが、私の思う「占い」です。 私の講座では
I'm glad to meet you.
My name is TATSUKO, residence in Taiwan, I'm a fortune-teller of 四柱推命(Chinese Old traditional Fortune telling)
Thank you in advance.
☆四柱推命[Shichu-Suimei] X Tarots X Psychology
☆English teacher career ten years of the cause prefectural high school
☆Residence of Taiwan, the home of Fortune Telling
... Do you live like you? ...
I studied brain science and quantum mechanics by self-education while I was engaged in the development psychology in an educational front.
I came across emperor of Fortune Telling, "四柱推命[Shichu-Suimei]" in Taiwan which quitted work by the transfer of the husband, and came over.
四柱推命 is "fortune-telling" and is "study".
Various study teaches us seriouly by all possible means,
"Like oneself, let's find happiness"
When I seems to lose sight of oneself when I hit the wall, it does help to live like oneself pushing my back quietly
It is "the fortune-telling" that I think of.
In my lecture,
Own individuality and rediscover a strength individuality of somebody excavate the strength; come to be able to help you
I learn the basics of that purpose.
Let's get happiness together.
<I recommend it to such a person>
There is the
✔ who is having troubles with human relations (family, lover, co-worker)
✔ who wants to know the timing decision(marriage/divorce, change of job, the house purchase)
✔ who wants to know it's strength
✔ who wants to know fitting job, the strength that you had by birth
✔ who wants to become the fortune-teller
✔ who is interested in tarot fortune-telling