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Japan Kanji Aptitude Test Grade 2
Certified in Secretarial Skills Grade 3
Certified Librarian
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こんにちは!日本語教師(にほんご きょうし)をしています、Yuka777と申(もう)します。先日(せんじつ)、レッスンで生徒(せいと)さんから「Yuka777先生の住(す)んでいる、石川県(いしかわ...
Published 7 Jan, 2025 | View: 473
こんにちは!日本語教師(にほんご きょうし)をしています、Yuka777です。去年(きょねん)、会社に入ってきた新人(しんじん)のAさんが、上司(じょうし)に「申(もう)し訳(わけ)ありません。明日...
日本語教師(にほんご きょうし)をしていますYuka777です。今年(ことし)もどうぞ!よろしくお願(ねが)いいたします。私(わたし)は、子(こ)どものころ、毎年(まいとし)お正月(しょうがつ)にな...
明けましておめでとうございます。Yuka(AAA)です。2025年、今年もよろしくお願いいたします。今年は(2025年・令和7年 巳年(みどし・へびどし)です。一般的に知られているのは、十二支(じゅ...

Yuka777 Tutor Profile

I live in Ishikawa prefecture, where seismic activities have been ongoing since January 1st.
Please understand that I will have to postpone offering lessons for the time being!

Nice to meet you! My name is Yuka (Yuka777).
I have been teaching Japanese to international students for 10 years now.
At first, I taught as a volunteer for 5 years.
Then I taught Japanese as a Japanese language tutor for four years on another website.

☆ Thank you so much for choosing me from among so many tutors.
I currently live in Kanazawa City, Ishikawa Prefecture, Japan.
I have also lived in Kyoto for 12 years since I graduated from a university in Kyoto.
After that, I lived in Osaka for three years.
I majored in world history at university.
Nine years ago, I spent 330 hours studying to become a Japanese language tutor at a Japanese language school.
Let’s have fun in our lessons!
I am looking forward to meeting you.
☆ One of my passions is to travel abroad.


☆ I love dogs and I live with a Chihuahua.
 I enjoy watching movies (action, suspense and romantic comedy, science fiction) and listening to music (pops, rock, and jazz).
 ☆ I have also passed the Japan Kanji Aptitude Test Grade 2.

Please feel free to join me, and let's enjoy chatting together❣️
I believe Japanese is not an easy language to learn, but let's have fun!!!
● If you have any requests for lessons, please let me know.
● If you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to ask.
● If you do not have a textbook, I can prepare it for you.
● If you already have a textbook that you would like to use, please send me a photo or PDF file of the textbook in advance.

I look forward to meeting you in our lessons!

【 Cafetalk Translation / January 2024 】
Please note that this profile has been translated by Cafetalk for easier understanding.

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  • More than 24 hours before lesson start time.→ Cancellation is possible at any time.
  • Less than 24 hours before lesson start time.→ The tutor may take a cancellation fee.
  • No-Show→ The tutor may take a cancellation fee.
    (Please check with the tutor for details.)

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