Thank you very much for the productive as always. I appreciate you correcting my writing as usual. I will review your great suggestions again and again. I can't wait to talk with you next time.
Thank you very much for the enjoyable lesson again today. Thanks to her smile and thoughtfulness, I feel motivated to keep learning English. Thank you again for listening to me so enthusiastically.
I’m so glad to continue learning English with her again this year. I wouldn’t have been able to keep studying without her support. I’ve learned how different the English in textbooks is from daily conversation. I truly appreciate her kind assistance
Abbieのクラスをもっと頻繁に2022年受講したいです。英語を教えるのみならず、国際交流を大切にして下さる志や品性の高い素晴らしい講師です!You're such an amazing instructor, Abbie! Have a wonderful Christmas and Happy 2022 with us!
英国出身のAbbieは、とても優しく気さくで同時に気品を持ち備えています。大変お財布にやさしい授業料で受講させて頂いた事に、深く感謝しています。英語に見ならず国民性や文化をネット越しに感じれるような素晴らしいクラスを提供して下さいます。私自身も英語や人徳をもっと磨いて参ります。近頃、私はフリートークを受講していませんが近い将来、是非再びお会いしてお話ししたいです。Merry Christmas and Happy New Year, Abbie. You're such an amazing English instructor and lady from UK♫
This lesson is very helpful to improve writing in English.
I recently combine a writing and speaking lessons with her,it is more effective because I can ask her something I couldn't understand.