Hello, I am Kiyoka, a Japanese teacher. After graduating from university, I worked for 9 years as a flight attendant for a Japanese airline company, both international and domestic flights. Therefore, I am good at teaching "keigo" (honorific language), "teinei nihongo" (polite Japanese), and "sekkaku" (Japanese for serving customers). My classes are especially suitable for those who need to communicate with Japanese people for work, those who want to improve their Japanese, and those who have a goal such as the JLPT. I also teach proper pronunciation and accent. I am currently living in Nepal. I have met many people in Nepal who are studying Japanese. I wanted to become a Japanese teacher, so I got a certificate and started teaching at a Japanese language school. Since I am also studying Nepali, I can help you with any problems you may have when studying Japanese. Since this is a class for everyone, I would like to teach you what you need. First of all, please tell us what you want to study at the counseling session.
नमस्ते,म जापानीज शिक्षक हो। जापानमा तालिम लिएर,भाषा सकुलमा पढाएको थिएँ।
म पनि नेपाली सिकदै आएकोले हजूरहुरुका भाषा सिक्न गाह्रो भएको कुरा बुझ्छु। मेरो बिचारमा, भाषा सिक्न सबैभन्दा महत्तवपूर्ण कुरा बिचार गर्ने क्षेमता हो। त्यसैले मेरो कुलसमा "किन? कसरी? "भने सोध्छु, हजूरहरुका बिचार सुनेर बोल्ने क्षेमता बिकास गर्न मदत गर्नेछु। जापान जानेहरु वा जापानमा बसेर भाषा सिक्नेहरु Let`s study together!
Other: What I value when I teach: "The ability to think".
I have taught students in Nepal and Japan. What I value is to nurture the "ability to think. For example, I have taught students about "environmental issues”.If you do not have thoughts and opinions in your native language, you will not be able to speak these issues in the second language.First, you have "ideas" in your native language and then you can communicate in Japanese with correct grammar, vocabulary, and pronunciation. In my classes, I ask a lot of questions about "why," "how," and "how" to arrive at the correct answers and conclusions. The ability to think logically is very important, especially for those who will be taking the JLPT. It is okay if you cannot answer in Japanese at first. We will think about it together and help you communicate correctly.

In order to communicate your thoughts in correct Japanese...
For those who wish to study using a textbook. Minna no Nihongo (beginner to intermediate level) will be used to study, with a particular focus on conversation using grammar.
For those who want to study for the JLPT, let's study together. I taught N2, N3, and N4 level Japanese at a Japanese language school, so I can teach grammar, vocabulary, and reading comprehension according to your goals. In particular, you will learn reading comprehension techniques and the process of thinking.
In addition, we can also create a course to suit your needs and desires.
Lesson Notes
- You can request a class only if you can turn on the camera. (If you cannot turn on the camera, please let us know when requesting a class. In that case, the instructor will also turn off the camera.)
- No recording or videotaping is allowed.
- Not allow persons under 18 years old.
Japanese Language School

Class Observation in Nepali Community School
