From around the age of 20, I've gradually developed my psychic ability buy my body broke down in my late 20s as I lost control of this ability. Meanwhile, the reason I entered the spiritual word was because I experienced Reiki.
I was skeptical at first but the more I learned, the more I was convinced. I was able to feel the things I've felt from my childhood till now, I started to believe it and I was convinced that the reason I couldn't explain the feelings in words was due to my psychic ability so I decided to learn deeper into this.
After that, I started Hypnotherapy and Theta Healing and I was able to control my abilities.
On top of that, I was also interested in psychology so I started studying at a distance learning university in order to become a certified psychologist. While helping out at the nursery school that is run by my grandmother and my mother, many parents came to me for counseling and this was the trigger of how I started my own counseling sessions in 2008.
In July 2020, I applied for the certified psychologist qualification to The Japanese Psychological Association and I've successfully passed the examination in October.
It's a brief introduction but my path was definitely not an easy one. Of course, I've experienced slumps. There were times that I didn't want the psychic ability as I said to myself, "I wish I didn't have such ability!"
But now, I've found the perfect balance between spiritual and scientific perspectives, and this has freed me from my dreadful days.
I deal with various problems such as family problems, relationship at work, relationship between couples, school refusal, mental illness, and developmental disabilities.
Your future self is not decided by your past self instead, it is decided by your present self.
Please feel free to contact me if you're not sure about something or if you have questions.
Those who are interested in me and if you have questions for me, please feel free to ask.
By the way, I like singing. It is part of my life. Sometimes I'd fall asleep while singing.
My special skill is "good night in three seconds". In other words, when I start singing I'm already asleep.
When we went on a family trip to Hawaii in 2019, I experienced playing the ukulele.
I was fascinated by the ukulele and now I'm learning by myself and trying to play it.
I guess there's no way I can still fall asleep while playing the ukulele.