
Language Fluency

Корейский Native
Японский Fluent


JLPT Level N1
Teaching Japanese to Speakers of Other Languages (TJSOL)
Teaching Japanese as a Foreign Language to Young Learners
This qualification has been verified by Cafetalk.

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Tutor’s Columns

Columns from this tutor to Cafetalk students.
Published 1 Jan, 2025 | View: 501
새해 복 많이 받으세요 ☆あけましておめでとうございます。건강하시고 행복한 한 해 되시길 바랍니다.健康で幸せなことが多い一年になればと思います。2025년도 잘 부탁드립니다 ^^2025年...
Published 4 Apr, 2023 | View: 3268
夜桜祭り(야간 벚꽃축제) * 장소: 렛츠런파크 서울    * 기간 : 2023. 04.01 ~ 2023. 04.09        코로나로 인해 2019년 이후  4년 만에 벚...
Published 3 Jan, 2023 | View: 3296
  안녕하세요.カフェトーク韓国語講師のジヒョンです。皆さんのおかげで1000レッスン 達成することができました。心より感謝申し上げます!^^そして、11月30日までの期間限定レッスンを作りました...
Published 7 Nov, 2021 | View: 5571
        미술관에 갔다가 우연히 찾은 부암동 카페무네  고양이 한 마리가 있었는데 정말 순하고 귀여웠어요. 눈도 얼굴도 동글동글 ♡따뜻한 바닐라라떼도 맛있었어요.

JIHYUN Профиль преподавателя


Hello everyone~~!! I'm really glad to meet you~ ♬♬
I'm Jihyun and I teach Korean in Japanese on Cafetalk.
My major in university was Hotel Management but because I like Japanese, I've been enjoying and studying hard for 10 years.
I've only studied Japanese in Korea but since this was my hobby, I studied hard for it!! I practiced listening by watching Japanese dramas and when I was studying at a Japanese language school, I met many different teachers and I still keep in touch with my Japanese friends that I met in Korea and I'm really thankful that I learned a lot from them.
Before marriage, I've had the experiences teaching one-on-one lessons and teaching as a Japanese teacher at a foreign language school.
When I look back at the time when I met many people and when I prepared for the lessons, I feel happy and it warms my heart.

Everyone!! I believe the most important thing about learning a foreign language is to develop your interest in it and to continue learning. ^^*

For those who can read Hangul but have trouble with pronunciation in Korean!

For those who want to learn basic Korean grammar or easy conversation!

Would you like to enjoy studying with me?
I'm looking forward to meeting you at the lesson~ ♬♬

Experience & Qualification

Instructor teaching basic Japanese at a foreign language school in Korea (3 years)

Many one-on-one Japanese lessons

Lessons teaching Japanese people basic Korean grammar and conversation (current)

Japanese Language Proficiency Test (JLPT) N1


Japanese dramas, taking a walk, figure skating, visiting cute cafes, travelling, going to book stores

Lesson Style 

I'll use both Korean and Japanese in the lesson~!

I'll make the lessons easy to understand! Let's learn in a fun atmosphere ~ ♬♬

【 Cafetalk Translation / September 2020 】
Please note that this profile has been translated by Cafetalk for easier understanding. The tutor doesn't speak English.

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