All About Me
My name is Charm. I am a licensed Teacher and a TESOL Certified.
I was born in the Philippines, but currently living in Japan. I enjoy the challenges of teaching English and seeing students improve their English.
I love to cook, sing, play guitar and take beautiful photos on my travel trips.
Job Experience私は10年以上、日本人、韓国人、台湾人、中国人、ロシア人、そしてフィリピン人に教えてきました。様々な国の様々なレベル(子供から大人、日常英会話からビジネス向けまで)に合わせて英語を教えてきた経験を生かして、英語を楽しく教えることが大好きです。英語が喋れない初心者の方でも、ある程度喋れる方でも気軽に私のレッスンに参加してみて下さい!
I've been teaching English to Japanese, Korean, Taiwanese, Chinese, Russian and Filipino. I've come across people with different levels of English communication skills. Some love the language and others don't like it that much. But, one thing they have in common is their desire to learn the
"English Language".
Me As a Teacher
I’m a very enthusiastic teacher and passionate about the topic to facilitate student learning, so never stop learning English. It’s a continuous process.
My Objective in Teaching
Is to facilitate learning by helping students to gain the necessary skills and become active participants in their own learning.
I hope that having a class with me can help you understand and speak this language with ease and enjoyment.