My name is
Keisuke Nakamura and I'm a「
IT・computer」instructor. Nice to meet you.
★★★Please contact me if you wish to have lessons in early mornings or late evenings.★★★ If you're having trouble with computer or smartphone related issues, please feel free to use「Yorozu Q&A」.
I offer courses for those who are thinking to get the MOS certification, learn Excel or Word, or want to make an impressive PowerPoint presentation.
(In the case of a lesson on the computer, it is fine if you want to keep the webcam off when using Skype, but the "screen sharing" feature is a must.) Using the Internet, online lessons can now be done any time and anywhere. It is a great advantage for both the student (and the teacher). On top of that, it is different from a regular classroom
where students can now choose their teachers and it is a huge breakthrough. I'll do everything I can to help you for choosing me. I'm looking forward to meeting you.
<Profile> 1959 Born in Kyoto (please bear with me as I speak Kansai dialect...)
1981 Graduated from the Faculty of Science Engineering, Ritsumeikan University
I experienced and learned a lot when I worked at NEC Corporation as I developed software systems for the office, provided support for the development of custom IC, system・engineering, and established the subsidiary company.
1994 I started working at Softbank Japan (now known as Softbank Group)
My work included Network OS education, SI, and public wireless LAN.
On a side note, I do not have any memories of 2002. I started the Yahoo!BB business, I stayed at a hotel that was in front of my company and lived off of canned food. I'm extremely luck to have worked together with Masayoshi Son, the CEO of Softbank.
2010 I made up my mind to quit my job (I'm now in the middle of my dream) and I'm an insctructor in a computer class.
<Qualifications> MOS Word2013/2016,Excel2013/2016,PowePoint2016
【 Cafetalk Translation / July 2020 】 Please note that this profile has been translated by Cafetalk for easier understanding. The tutor doesn't speak English.