Let's have a fun conversation for 25 minutes. I will use the chat box to correct your mispronunciation, word/phrase choice, and grammar errors (if necessary). A written feedback/review of the lesson will also be provided after the class. Try this!
Longer time version of 25 Minute Fun "TOPIC" Talk. This course is created for those students who want to practice their English conversation skills more.
Let's practice your English Conversational Skills through this course. We can talk about a variety of topics that you prefer to talk to. The speaking ratio here will be 70:30 (student:teacher).
Are you a new learner of Tagalog? I highly recommend this course to you. We will learn here all the basics of learning the language from simple dialogue, vocabulary, expressions, and sentence constructions.
Longer time version of 25 Minute Let's Learn Tagalog (For Beginners) Plus Free Talk. This course is created for those students who want to practice their Tagalog skills more.
Small Talk Helps. Let's practice English Conversation for a short time. Tell me everything you want to share. I'm all ears. (The idiom all ears means ready and eager to hear what one has to say; prepared to listen intently or with full attention.)
本日は先生のお正月休暇について... 伺おうと思っていましたが、結構自分語りと相成りました。自分のことでも英語では中々言葉が出てこず、良い訓練になりました。またチャットボックスやフィードバックが大変ありがたく、復習して役立てようと思います。ありがとうございました。Thank you so much today, see you soon!