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Hello everyone!
I am currently living in Canada and studying Film Acting.
今(いま)はカナダに住(す)んで、Film Actingを勉強(べんきょう)しています。
Since when I was a child, I became interested in foreign languages, especially in English, and I started to study English for myself when I was 10 years old. I also like to speak French and Chinese (Mandarin).
Let's enjoy our lessons to achieve your goals!
【私について/About me】
I was raised in Kyoto, Japan and I studied International Relations at my university. I also studied Politics, Linguistics, and French in addition to International Relations at University of British Columbia when I went there as an exchange student. After graduating from my university, I started to work at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Japan as I wanted to use language and my knowledge I acquired through undergrad study.
I studied Liberal Studies at a graduate school in New York City as a junior diplomat trainee since last year, deepening my understanding of the US through the lenses of gender, race, and film studies.
In addition to graduate school, I started to take classes at acting schools in New York City, and I found my true passion--acting (I had some theater experiences back in middle and high school, actually). I realized that acting liberates myself through freely expressing myself. Also, I thought I wanted to inspire people through the art of acting to positively change society. In order to focus on my passion, I decided to quit my job at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Japan and came to Canada to hone my acting skills as an aspiring actor.
ニューヨークでは、大学院(だいがくいん)の傍(かたわ)らアクティングスクールにも通(かよ)い、そこで自分(じぶん)のパッションに再会(さいかい)しました(小(ちい)さい頃(ころ)から演劇(えんげき)や舞台(ぶたい)が好(す)きで、高校生(こうこうせい)の時(とき)は宝塚(たからづか)を目指(めざ)していました)。Acting/演技(えんぎ)です。もっと自分(じぶん)を自由(じゆう)に表現(ひょうげん)したい。将来(しょうらい)は、Actorになって人(ひと)の心(こころ)を動(うご)かすことを通(とお)して社会(しゃかい)を変(か)えていきたい。このパッションにまっすぐ向(む)かうため、思(おも)い切(き)って外務省(がいむしょう)を2020年(ねん)10月(がつ)に辞(や)め、今(いま)はaspiring actorとしてバンクーバーで学(まな)んでいます。
At the same time, I would like to teach languages online to create a wonderful time with my students, based on my skills and past experiences (I was teaching Japanese when I was an undergrad).