

日语 母语程度


Psychiatric Social Worker
初中教师证 英語
高中教师证 英語
小学教师证 2級
Licensed Pre-School Teacher
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讲师接受最快 9小时后开始的课程预约
周一 20:00   22:00
周二 20:00   22:00
周三 20:00   22:00
周四 20:00   22:30
周五 08:00   12:00
周五 13:00   17:00
周五 20:00   22:30
周六 08:00   12:00
周六 13:00   18:00
周六 20:00   22:30
周日 08:00   12:00
周日 13:00   18:00
周日 20:00   22:00
开放 1 个月内的课程时间
※以上为 Asia/Tokyo 时间。

Seko 讲师的个人介绍



I am Seko, a psychological therapist offering mindfulness sessions to help people listen to their own emotions.



Self Introduction

Psychological therapist,

Licensed Psychologist, and a Mental Health Worker.

After graduating from university, I have been working in the fields of education and welfare for over 30 years, listening to and supporting people with disabilities and those who are experiencing hardships in their lives.

On the other hand, I have been concerned about mental health issues since I was in my 20s, and while working in welfare, I studied various psychological treatments and counseling, and when I was younger, I also volunteered as a telephone counselor.


When I was 37 years old, I learned about the current situation of people with disabilities who have the will to work but do not have a place that would employ them, so together with my friends, I started a natural food bento shop as a place where people with and without disabilities can work together.

As a representative, I was responsible for the overall management of the organization, while at the same time listening to the stories of those I worked with and supporting them so that each one of them could demonstrate their abilities and work with enthusiasm. It was my greatest pleasure to see people with disabilities, who had once lost their confidence, gradually regain their confidence back by being entrusted with tasks, and to see them become energetic and work lively.


On the other hand, I myself worked too hard and fell into a downward spiral. I was told I was suffering from burnout so I chose to take some time off.

I wanted to recover quickly, so I went to counseling, which I had originally studied, but this time for myself, and also attended various workshops and seminars.

As I faced myself, realized my previous assumptions, and changed my way of thinking and perceiving things, I gradually got better and was able to return to work.


From that experience, I continued to learn and realize how important it is to accept yourself, be firm in who you are, and live your life as you are.


In my work, I approached people with mental health problems, listened to their stories, and told them how important each person is and that they can live their lives as they are.

In my private life, I was a single mother raising three children and working full time, but I worked too hard and suffered from depression for the second time.

At that time, I was struggling so hard that I felt hopeless and thought there was nothing good in life. I even compared myself to a fellow worker at the bento shop who had committed suicide.

In 2003, realizing that the situation wasn’t going to improve on its own, I took the leap of faith and moved from Shikoku to Tokyo with my second son, with the intention of starting a new life. With no money, no job, and no acquaintances, we looked for a place to live and place to work from square one.

The ties that had held me back were gone, and I found that I felt refreshed, could sleep well at night, and had more energy.

My second son went to a Steiner school, and I looked for work supporting people with disabilities and continued to work on issues of physical and mental health.

From various studies such as Noguchi Seitai, Takeuchi Lessons, Karakoro Work, and Steiner Education, I became aware of the importance of the subconscious mind.

In the midst of all this, I began receiving work incorporating mindfulness at Mycera Japan, a non-profit organization, in 2017 and experienced the positive effects. I experienced deep awareness by paying attention to my body and feelings instead of just thinking with my head.

Currently, combining what I have learned so far, I conduct mindfulness sessions in which I work on the subconscious mind, paying attention to the body and valuing the sensations and feelings that suddenly come to mind, rather than forcing the mind to think.

As a therapist, I began working professionally as my second job in 2015, and continue to work four weekdays along with my main job. I currently offer courses and private sessions.


What I Have Learned So Far>

Encounter Group Assertiveness Training

Re-evaluation Counseling Inochi no Denwa Training and Practice

Takeuchi Lesson (Toshiharu Takeuchi) Body and Mind Lesson (Yoko Matsui)

Toriyama Work (Toshiko Toriyama) Noguchi Seitai

Completed Ginza Coaching School Classes A and B

Completed Mind Block Buster Training Course

Completed Mythera Japan’s Basic Course and Active Course

Completed Hakomi Therapy Being Course and Skill Course


Licenses and Qualifications
Licensed psychologist,  Certified Mental Health Worker,  Social Welfare Supervisor

Nursery school teacher, Elementary, junior high, and high school teacher licenses

【 Cafetalk Translation / September 2022 】
Please note that this profile has been translated by Cafetalk for easier understanding. The tutor doesn’t speak English.


Q. Seko 讲师,您好!感谢您拨冗参加採访。首先能请您简单地自我介绍吗? A. 大家好,我是 Seko,提供涵盖身心的心理治疗。很感谢能有机会接受採访。我在 Cafetalk 以专业的心理治疗师身分,提供倾听烦恼与结合正念冥想的谘询课程。30 年来,我一直倾听与帮助身心障碍者及遭遇生活困境的人们。我年轻时也曾二度被诊断为忧鬱症,多亏谘商师及自助团体朋友的帮助才得以顺利走出来。 Q. 您拥有多...



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全部课程 全部课程
  • Lesson image
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    【音声のみOK】ちょっとおしゃべりしたい方! セラピストに聴いてもらいませんか?

    誰かに話を聴いてほしい方、ちょっとおしゃべりしませんか? 気軽な気持ちで遊びにきてください。心理セラピスが、あなたをそのまんまを受け止めて、お話を聴きますね。
    25 分钟   1,700
  • Lesson image
    Lesson image

    【カメラオフ】初めてのマインドフルネス グループレッスン

    0 分钟   800
  • Lesson image
    Lesson image

    【30分】不思議と楽になる マインドフルネスセッション

    忙しい日々を過ごしている皆さま! 人間関係の悩みや仕事や育児の疲れ、ついつい頑張りすぎて、ストレスが溜まっていませんか? マインドフルネスな状態で身体や心の声を聴いて、楽に生きるためのヒントを見つけましょう! セッションの最後には、不思議と楽になっていることでしょう。
    30 分钟   2,100
    提供试听 25 分钟   1,000
  • Lesson image
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    【音声のみOK】”40分”ちょっと長めにおしゃべりしたい方! 心理のプロに聴いてもらいませんか?

    誰かに話を聴いてほしい方、ちょっとおしゃべりしませんか? 気軽な気持ちで遊びにきてください。あなたのそのまんまを受け止めて、お話を聴きますね。ちょっと長めバージョンです。
    40 分钟   2,800
  • Lesson image
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    【50分】不思議と楽になる マインドフルネスセッション

    忙しい日々を過ごしている皆さま! 人間関係の悩みや仕事や育児の疲れ、ついつい頑張りすぎて、ストレスが溜まっていませんか? マインドフルネスな状態で身体や心の声を聴いて、楽に生きるためのヒントを見つけましょう! セッションの最後には、なんとなく楽になっているから、不思議です。ぜひ体験してみてくださいね。長めの時間なので、より深く、体験できますよ。
    50 分钟   3,500
    提供试听 25 分钟   1,000
  • Lesson image
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    何となく心が落ち着かないとき、モヤモヤしたりイライラしたりしているとき、マインドフルネス瞑想をすると、心が落ち着きます。一緒にマインドフルネス瞑想を体験しませんか? 初めての方でも、丁寧にご説明しますので、ご安心ください。
    30 分钟   2,100
    提供试听 25 分钟   1,000
  • Lesson image
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    マインドフルネスになって、過去や未来でなく、今この瞬間に注目して、セラピストと一緒に、静かな穏やかな時間を持ちましょう! 少し長めの時間なので、より深く瞑想できます。
    45 分钟   3,100
    提供试听 25 分钟   1,000
  • Lesson image
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    プロの心理セラピストと日本語でおしゃべりしませんか? どんな国の方でも、どんな日本語でも大丈夫! ちょっとしたお悩みもお聴きしますよ。
    25 分钟   1,500
  • Lesson image
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    心理セラピストによる 子育て相談 

    小学校、中学校、高校の教師経験のある、プロの心理セラピストによる子育て相談です。一人でグルグル考えても答えが出ないので、一緒に考えましょう! パパやママの気持ちが楽になるだけで、こどもは安心します。
    40 分钟   2,800
    提供试听 30 分钟   1,000
  • Lesson image
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    <どのレッスンでもOK>レッスンパック 15分✖️10回

    15 分钟 X 10   9,300
    10 堂课程包 每堂 930
  • Lesson image
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    どのレッスンでもOK レッスンパック 20分✖️6回 

    20 分钟 X 6   7,600
    6 堂课程包 每堂 1,267
  • Lesson image
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    レッスンパック 30分✖️4回 マインドフルネスセッション

    30 分钟 X 4   7,600
    4 堂课程包 每堂 1,900
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    0 分钟   1,100
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    0 分钟   2,100