Hello. My name is Kyosuke. I live in Japan.
I will always try my best to teach you Japanese so that your Japanese becomes even a little better.
Although I can speak English, my basic language is Japanese, and I would like to offer free talks, text-based lessons, etc. to suit everyone's needs.
Since I usually work at a company, I can carefully teach you how to use Japanese in everyday conversations, interviews, and at work.
If you are completely new to studying Japanese or want to learn Japanese grammar, please feel free to let me know.
By the way, I also love sports such as tennis and soccer, and Japanese culture such as shogi, calligraphy, and anime, so I would like to have fun talking about them.
Also, in my private life, I am currently raising a child, so anyone who would like to talk about raising children is welcome.

Also, on a slightly different note, I'm from the Kansai region, so I can speak the Kansai dialect ("maido", "ookini", if you like comedy, let's talk together!). Please feel free to ask me anything about tourist information such as Osaka, Kyoto, Nara, and Kobe.
If you are even slightly interested, please feel free to try it out. I'm waiting for your trial lesson reservation. Thank you for your support and having fruitful meetings!