Sawadee ka! My name is Mari and I currently live in Thailand. I moved to Thailand in 2008 to do volunteer work and have been living here for the past 14 years. My interests include watching movies and traveling. The nature in Thailand is beautiful. When I first came to Thailand, I could barely speak Thai, so I studied daily conversation and the Thai alphabet
こんにちは!英語講師のHiroko U です。基礎をしっかり、でも楽しく学びたい!資格対策のため、きっちり学びたい!そんなあなた、帰国子女ではなく、普通の学生時代を送りながらTOEIC560点→960点とスコアを伸ばし、スピーキングも長期留学経験者に引けを取らないHiroko Uと一緒に、日本人講師ならではの、かゆいところに手が届くレッスンで学びましょう♪大手英会話スクールで講師として約4年、通常の英会話コースに加えTOEICコースも担当し、その後は講師業だけでなくSkypeオンラインスクールの講師トレーナーとしても勤務し、たくさんの生徒さまの語学学習のお手伝いをしてきました。英会話・語学のお仕事は、合計12年を超えました。☆レッスンについて☆私のレッスンでは、TESOL(英語教授法)に基づいた効果的なレッスンの流れをベースに、生徒さまの興味から、言葉を使っていくことへ発展させていきます
Can’t see the wood for the trees? Talking therapies can offer a path to stable ground. My professional training is person-centred counselling and I tend towards a receptive, empathic and gentle approach. I would like to assist you on your journey towards your solution as if I am your co-pilot sitting beside you. The objective is that you discover “peace” in your mind, and the client and counsel
Nice to meet you. I'm Izumi. I started studying English when I entered junior high school. I'm not a returnee as I didn't spend my childhood overseas.BUT! I enjoy learning English because I like English! Now, I'm enjoying my life communicating in English every day. When I was a student, my goals were to do homestay overseas, study at the university of foreign languages or study abroad and these
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