※ こちらも是非ご確認下さい。 → English with ayako sakai Hello, I'm ayako. 東京で育ち、高校卒業後アメリカへ留学。州立大学に4年間在籍し心理学と社会学を専攻しました。卒業後、日本で英語講師としてのキャリアをスタート。現在はインドネシア、バリ島で暮らしながら主にオンラインで英語のレッスンを行っています。MY LIFE - 生活拠点Tokyo>> the United States>> Tokyo>> Tokushima, Shikoku>> Bali, Indonesia 必要ない事、無駄な事は生活から無くし、海を身近にシンプル生活を送っています。余分なものがないと頭の中も「素」に。昭和な人間とよく言われます。BACKGROUND - 生い立ちマイペースな性格からか集団生活、周りと同じ事を
I have been working as a Russian interpreter for over 30 years. I now have more than 10 years of experience teaching Russian language courses to the general public. Many of my students have successfully passed all levels of the Russian Language Proficiency Test (Levels 1 to 4). I can provide you with detailed instructions on how to prepare for and study for the Russian language exams. I can also h
Thank you for your interest♪ My name is mana, and I am a flute instructor. This year marks my 10th year of teaching. I offer custom-made lessons to suit your needs, from beginner level students, to students preparing for competitions☻ I also have a lot of experience in brass band lessons. I also have a lot of experience in wind instrument lessons, so students who are working hard with the
안녕하세요! Hello! My name is Im-Mi, and I'm a Korean language tutor. I am extremely excited to teach Korean! I'm here to help you speak Korean with enjoyable lessons! Let me help you with your learning needs. I am currently working as a Korean language tutor at YBM language school in South Korea for 4 years! I am in charge of private lessons / classes (from be
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