Hello, everyone this is Uta-tomo.I am a soprano singer,I belong to Nikikai opera company.I have 15years experience as a Vocal coach.If you'd like to sing Japanese song,I can be your help!Not only singing Lesson,but also you can learn about Japanese culture or Japanese Language,good pronunciation. Please let me ask you,what kind of Lesson do you want .. mainly to sing mainly to learn more words,s
Howdy, ジャズヴォーカル、ヴァイオリンのStayGです(ゴスペル、ポップ、ロックなどジャンル問わず)パイオニアからアルバム”Butterfly"でメジャーデビュー。世界で最も優れたアーティスト100人に選ばれる。アルバム"Time After Time"はアメリカ、カリフォルニア大学バークリー校の模範教材に採用され世界53か国にリリース、世界デビュー。アメリカCNNでヴァイオリンの即興演奏が放送される。 皆さんがレッスンで歌も演奏も上達して音楽って本当に”楽しいなあ”と感じて幸せな気分になったら、嬉しいです!自宅レッスン以外で、オンラインレッスンは初めてで、カフェトークは始めたばかりですが世界の人たちとお友達になってとても楽しいです!みんな短時間でメキメキ上手くなっています!初心者の方もプロ志向の方も大歓迎です!音楽は人を幸せな気持ちにします!さあ、始めましょう! " Ad
Hello ! I'm Rie and Japanese language teacher in Tokyo. I've been teaching for 11 years and I teach "Minna no Nihongo", JLPT N3, N2, N1 classes everyday. Teaching Japanese is really fun, so I like my job very much(*'▽') When I was university student, I was in Boston for 1 year. At that time, I helped some Japanese language classes at several schools and that was really fun, so I decided to be a J
Hello! My name is Jackie and it's a pleasure to meet you! I'm from Chicago, IL, USA but I currently reside in Aichi, Japan.About Me:My hobbies are cooking and eating, reading and writing, and learning languages. I'm also a fan of art and design, though language learning has taken over in recent years. In the future I would love to travel the world and meet people while speaking the local lan
◇◆Dear students, you who want to learn Japanese◆◇I'm Juno from Cafetalk!I've lived in the countryside of Japan since I was born. I am very friendly, patient and enthusiastic when it comes to languages!I have been teaching Japanese since 2016.I have two children(elementary school students) and we love going to parks when it's sunny. I have work experience of 6 years as an office worker. ・Y
Hello. I'm OKI. Let me help you learn Japanese!Do you know a textbook called "Marugoto: Japanese language and culture Starter"? It's a textbook which teaches you how to use Japanese in particular situations and what you can become able to do. It's a fun book with many pictures and photos. How about trying to talk about many things while using this textbook? When I was around 40, I started studyin
Hello everyone ^^ My name is Jung Dong-Hyun (정동현), and I am a tutor who is looking forward to having fun with you in our Korean lessons. It’s a pleasure to meet you~~ 1. Tutor Introduction My hometown is Busan, but I currently live in Suwon. Seoul is also nice, but cities like Busan and Suwon are also very attractive, so I hope you have the chance to visit them as well. I can recommend some
=== English Version === Hello everyone! I am a Japanese tutor, Kyoko. *When you read my profile in Japanese, you can read it by changing your language setting to Japanese. You can change the language setting at the flag mark in the upper right corner. (私の日本語のプロフィールやレッスンを見たい場合、画面右上の言語設定を「日本語」にすれば、見ることができます)* All of my Japanese lessons are for learners of Japanese as a
Hi, I’m Cooper. I’m 25, and I was born in New York City, but I was raised and reside in a small suburb in New Jersey that is only a quick train ride away. I am of course a native English speaker and can help you with natural conversation, pronunciation, and words or expressions we use in everyday life here! My life(so far) Growing up in New Jersey and frequently visiting t
Award Comments 2024 Awesome Lesson Awards (Autumn/Winter) →
Alex Gregg
Colin コリン
TOMO yoga
lily fan