Jonathan 先生は、本国イギリスの他、アジアや日本での様々なご経験をお持ちで、英語学習以外にも多くを学ばせて頂けます。(私の英語力では、フリートークでは相当聞き出せることが限られますが…ಥ‿ಥ)
ちなみにHapa Schoolでは、ITを駆使して大変わかりやすいレッスンを提供して下さいます。フリートーク以外の、教材を使ったレッスンでもその持ち味が生かされているのではと、期待大です。
Hello! My name is Jinny Kim:) I work as a mathematics teacher at a cram school in South Korea. I also teach Japanese at extracurricular classes. I find it both rewarding and fun to share my knowledge with others, so I try my best to do so with as many students as possible while making my lessons enjoyable for my students. I have taught many students while working as a teacher, so I plan on
Hello, everyone! With no overseas study experience and no formal English education, I was able to get to level 1 of Eiken just by having fun studying with friends.In the spring of 2013 I began teaching at a langugae school, where I was in charge of teaching English to both children and adults. Currently, I work as a part-time lecturer, teaching medical English at vocational schools, as well as do
Nice to meet you♪ Thank you for visiting my profile. My name is yurino and I’m an online piano teacher. Music should be fun♪ Let’s spend some productive time making music together!!ー Lessons for Children ー What kind of sound does a piano make? Have your child experience all the different sounds that the black and white keys bring to life. Great for kids who are just starting out (^^)
Hello. I’m Waka. I live in Saitama, Japan. I'm currently volunteering to teach Japanese at a local Japanese language class. I'm a qualified Japanese teacher. Since I've studied several languages before, I well understand joys and difficulties of studying languages. To improve your language skills, it's very important to actually use it first. It's okay if it's your first time or you're not
Nice to meet you. I'm Izumi. I started studying English when I entered junior high school. I'm not a returnee as I didn't spend my childhood overseas.BUT! I enjoy learning English because I like English! Now, I'm enjoying my life communicating in English every day. When I was a student, my goals were to do homestay overseas, study at the university of foreign languages or study abroad and these
こんにちは、Dolceです。まったく日本語が初めてでも、英語がわからなくても、だいじょうぶ。いっしょに、日本語をはじめましょう。私は日本語教師の資格があります。(検定合格、420時間修了、大卒商学部)アフリカの日本語学校でゼロスタートの学生にも指導しました。日本の日本語学校ではミャンマー、ネパール、スリランカ、バングラデシュなどの学生にも非常勤として接しました。日本語を知っているけれど、もっと話せるようになりたい、この日本語はいつどんな時に使うの?まずはレッスンの目的や目標を教えてください。ちょっと日本語でおしゃべりしたい方も、アニメのセリフがよくわからないという方も、お気軽にどうぞ。Hi,I am Dolce. Would you like to start learning Japanese language from scratch using simple English or J
HelloMy name is Olivier and I am French.I can speak a little Japanese.Do you want to make conversation in French?Do you want to learn French pronunciation?Do you want to learn French grammar ?I am happy to help you on Skype.I will create questions in French that fit your level, and then teach you the answers.Please contact me if you are interested. Thank you.English Translation: 7/2/2014 - The Ca
↓Here are some samples of my singing.Hello! I'm voice trainer Yumi. ♪ With the intent of becoming an actress, I moved to Tokyo to study theatre at university there. However, while I was there I encountered songs from England which made me interested in classical music, and I changed my major to vocal music. Currently I work as a soprano singer, and I've used my theatre experience up to this
For Japanese learnersHello! I'm Yuma.I’m a native Japanese speaker and teach Japanese. After living in Canadafor about 8 years, I understand both English and Japanese, which helps meexplain small differences in expressions and meanings. My lessons cover: Everyday Conversation Polite Language (Keigo) Business Japanese Japanese Culture Kanji and Japanese Reading/Writing…and more I
안녕하세요. Hello. My name is Min, a Korean language instructor who has been teaching Korean to foreigners for 10 years. I am currently teaching the Korean language at the university in Seoul, and I am an expert in Korean language education with a lot of teaching experience including private classes for the executives in large companies, TOPIK, and Korean culture for foreigners. I have taught ove
Award Comments 2024 Awesome Lesson Awards (Autumn/Winter) →
Steve Hill
C Milos
Shin ina
Hitoshi (Zin Ogawa)
Finn S
Izumi W
Jungwon Fukuyama