About Me Hello everyone, I'm Coco. I’m a native Chinese speaker from China. Currently I'm living in GZ. I speak Mandarin and Cantonese. I'm patient and encouraging. In my class, I focus on building CONFIDENCE and ENJOYMENT in the Chinese language. You will feel like chatting with a friend and achieving significant progress in every lesson. If you're a beginner, I can offer you different text
各位學員好!我叫Lewis,來自英國的倫敦,目前住在日本的山梨縣擔任英語講師,我同時也是位私人教練!雖說我是講師,但我也正在努力加強自身的教學技巧及理解能力,因此我認為自己也是位學員。我雖是從去年才開始在東京教授英語,但早在2013年就先以私人教練的身分開班授課,採團體及一對一授課。至今我常為了增廣見聞而到處旅行,這使我被迫與指導的學員分開,這對學員來說是一件打擊很大的事,他們知道我要離開也都很失望難過!但現在我在線上授課,所以不管在世界的哪個角落都能跟各位分享我的課程,這著實是一個很好的管道。 關於課程我的指導經驗豐富,曾教過國高中生及高齡者,課程從日常英語會話到商業英語都有,內容多元。我最喜歡的教科書之一是Bob Dignen寫的《 Communicating in Business English》,各位可以在亞馬遜買到,價格為3,000日幣。我每次都會出作業給學員,請他們用英語寫
Nice to meet you, my name is Lily. I am from Hebei, China. I am currently living in Shenzhen, China and have 4 years of experience teaching Chinese. I have taught pronunciation, daily conversation, business Chinese, HSK exam preparation, as well as Chinese lessons for children. My lessons focus on the basics, with step-by-step instructions. Get the chance to practice a lot in my lessons and learn
★〜初めてレッスンをリクエストしてくださる方へ〜★初めてのリクエストの際は、簡単な自己紹介と学習歴、学習目的をご記入の上リクエストをお願い致します。(英語、韓国語でもOKです!☺︎)何もメッセージのないリクエストは辞退致しますので、ご了承ください。 ★To learners who request my lesson for the first time★ Please introduce yourself and your study background shortly. I cannot accept requests with no message at all. Thank you for your understanding and cooperation. ◆無論是初學者、中級或高級學習者都歡迎!:)◆◆關於我 大家好! :)) 我是在東京土生土長的利愛(Ria)講師,
Hello everyone !My name is Jesse . I am from Melbourne , Australia . I am currently living and working in Japan as an English teacher . I teach kindergarten, elementary school and junior high school . I can help you improve your English ! Any age and any level is welcome. We can work at a pace and style that suits you . I like travelling , sport and cooking . Japanese food is amazing ! I also love
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