Hello everyone, my name is Cheng Qing (程学清). I live in Shenyang City, Liaoning Province, Northeast China. I studied Japanese for four years at a university in Dalian. I studied hard and passed the N1 level Japanese Language Proficiency Test. Therefore, I have some knowledge about learning Japanese. I have also been teaching Chinese at an online Chinese language school
Hello everyone! I am tutor monami. There are many reasons for people to start practicing ballet, but I would like you to feel the joy of dancing without worrying about your age or gender. Since ballet movements involve physical movements that are not familiar to us in our daily lives, you may feel awkward or even struggle to dance well when you first start practicing, but the key to improving is
Thank you for taking your time to read my profile. T.tadahiro / I am a 33 year old from Chiba Prefecture, Japan. I am currently working as a company employee, while raising my children and enjoying playing Shōgi (Japanese chess) as a hobby! 【Favourite Shōgi Strategies】 ・振り飛車 Swinging Rook (I especially like the Fourth File Rook.) 【Background in Shōgi】 ・I learned to play Shōgi as a third grad
Hello^^ I am reirjunko, a professional makeup artist. When I was in my 20s, I didn’t know how to apply makeup... When I applied makeup on myself, it made me look as if I had a Noh mask on. I attended a “makeup workshop” withthe desire to feel beautiful, andI still can’t forget how impressed I was when it was over. I no longer had any flushing on my cheeks, and my eyebrows were beautifully arrange
Hi, my name is Silvia Raya. I am Mexican and live in Guadalajara,the second largest city in Mexico.I have been involved in teaching languages for almost 30 years now. I majored in Linguistics and have a degree in TESOL. I have taught English most of my life at Junior High, high Scooland College levels but have taught Spanish for a couple of American universities in their immersion program here in
大家好!我是德語講師Emma。★自我介紹★我畢業於德國的耶拿大學,主修「Deutsch als Fremdsprache(二外德語)」,也就是類似日本的日語教育。我具備教授外籍人士德語的專業知識,還曾在京都的大學實習1個月,期間擔任初中級德語會話班的講師。★關於課程★我的課很注重口說,具體而言就是不太會使用艱澀的文法。我會先讓學員記住日常生活中常用的說法,再去自然而然地習得文法規則,雖然不太適合想以文法為中心學習的人,但很推薦重視會話及對文法有點感冒的人預約。不只是語言,我也有提供能學到德語圈習俗及文化的課程。※詳細内容請看各課程之介紹。★興趣★我的興趣是學習外語和旅行,除了德語以外,我還會英語、法語、韓語及一點俄語和盧森堡語。針對有需要的學員,我也能提供外語學習建議。我也很喜歡吉祥物及動畫角色,我是職棒吉祥物、懶懶熊及寶可夢的粉絲。我特別愛寶可夢,動畫幾乎都是看德語版!感謝你看到最後,
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