It is thanks to my time speaking with Keisuke that the inherent embarrassment of speaking a second language as a beginner had largely dissipated by the time I had to use the language ‘in the field’.
Teacher Rew's classes require a certain level of English knowledge, but he draws illustrations on the whiteboard to make his explanations easier to understand!
A big hello to you from the Big Apple! 來個紐約式的招呼吧! 我是來自美國的Cammie,擁有超過15年的ESL講師經驗,教學族群橫跨4歲到60歲,所以任何年齡都歡迎參加我的課程!我的學員來自世界各地(包括日本),甚至還有來自加拿大蒙特利特的前警官,那裏的官方語言是法語。 我已取得碩士學位及TEFL認證。從大班實體課程、個人家教到線上課程,我都有充裕的教學經驗。課程風格非常豐富有活力,一定能讓你收穫滿滿!憑藉多年的教學經驗,我對ESL領域有充分的了解,希望能和大家分享這些知識! 每當看見學員頓悟的明亮眼神,我就感到雀躍無比,因而對教學更有熱忱。教學總是被認為是一項深具意義的工作,我也是這麼確信著的,畢竟能夠幫助人們達成各種目標,何樂而不為呢?更何況教學又是如此有趣的一件事! 我的興趣是旅行(我曾
【ご報告】この度、カフェトーク事務局より『Popular』を頂戴しました!また、カフェトーク史上初の取り組みとして、英語音声配信(TeacherAsuka'sEnglishWAVE✨✨✨)を、2021.2.3よりスタート!!私のオリジナル講師コラムを音声でもお楽しみ頂けるようになりました。こちらもあわせて、今後ともよろしくお願い致します。You can listen my original column as soon as you visit TeacherAsuka'sEnglishWAVE (the URL )below ****************************************************************************受講生のみ
大家好!我是Tim,目前已在日本擔任30年的英語教師。我來自加拿大,如果對加拿大有任何好奇都非常歡迎詢問我。 我曾教過幼稚園兒童、小學生及成人,學員從初學者到高級者都有。請別擔心,學習語言應該是一件愉快的事,我會根據你的需求調整課程。因為擁有豐富廣泛的教學經驗,幾乎各種課程都可以依照你的期望進行。我有歷史及政治學學位,對日本歷史相當熟悉。我已在加拿大的大學取得TESL(Teaching English as a Second Language)資格。我是一位非常友善的講師,會努力幫助你輕鬆學習。讓我們一起享受愉快又有趣的課程吧! 我很有耐心,請別擔心犯錯。 我會依照你的需求設計客製化課程。 若有任何特殊需求,歡迎隨時告訴我。 【 Cafetalk翻譯 / 2020年8月 】 (*請注意:講師本人不會說中文,便於理解本簡介由Cafetalk代為翻譯。)
※All classes limited to female students※ I run ballet classes in Hiroshima prefecture. → I've been teaching pretty much on a daily basis and am in my 11th year now. No matter what, I can't help but speak in the Hiroshima dialect, I ask for your understanding. I can teach ballet/pilates/contemporary dance. I look forward to meeting you. From beginners to advanced s
Nice to meet you, I’m piano niconico.Thank you for taking a look at my profile.I aim to use my experience as a piano teacher to get students to love playing the piano. via lessons that are designed to suit their personalities. I have over 10 years of teaching experience.I accept lesson request from children to adults♪During the lesson, I teach in detail from the very first steps.Let’s have fun le
Hello and nice to meet you. I am Mai, a tutor currently living in Thailand. I look forward to meeting you. Brief Self-Introduction: I have been living in Thailand for a total of 14 years. I studied the Thai language at Chulalongkorn University in Bangkok. I have a British husband, and a teenage daughter and a son. I offer lessons and translation services in English, Thai, and Japanese. I al
I help my students to be confident in using their English. I help them to improve their knowledge and skills so that they can meet their language learning goals. I love teaching and watching my student's confidence grow. I get great job satisfaction from helping people to succeed.I have taught in schools in the UK, China and Spain. Since March 2020 I have been teaching children and adults onl
最佳課程獎票選評價 2024 年秋冬最佳課程獎 →
Sachie teacher
James Spurr
C Milos
Takenaka Noriko
Mae Smith
Teacher Rew