Although I am German i grew up bilingually with English, as many friends of my parents did not speak German.I am originally an archaeologist, but when I got married to a Japanese and moved to Japan in 1993 we opened a language school in Gunma. My husband was asked to go to Sri Lanka in 2006, so we gave up the language school and since then I teach English online.I teach basically everything - fro
Hello, I'm Kayo.I’ve finished the Japanese Teaching Course and got the teacher certification in the University and taught Japanese to foreign people in Beginner/Intermediate/Advanced course for almost two and half years.After left Japanese teaching, I had a lot of chances to communicate with foreign people and taught Japanese to them too.I really understand its difficulties studying another langua
Hello everyone !My name is Jesse . I am from Melbourne , Australia . I am currently living and working in Japan as an English teacher . I teach kindergarten, elementary school and junior high school . I can help you improve your English ! Any age and any level is welcome. We can work at a pace and style that suits you . I like travelling , sport and cooking . Japanese food is amazing ! I also love
Nice to meet you! I majored in Japanese language, and during my college years, I studied abroad in Sapporo for a year. At that time, I also taught Korean to Japanese people who were interested in Korean and Korean culture. It was a very enjoyable experience, so I am looking forward to meeting and learning with all of you. After graduating from college, I have been working in a field related to Jap
大家好! 我是 Cafetalk 講師 SeungYeon!綽號是 Ten Ten! 小學時期,我對日本歌手「GACKT」一見鍾情、愛上日本音樂並開始學習日語。現在仍是個每年參加一次演唱會的宅宅講師! 如果大家也有喜歡的偶像或戲劇,歡迎直接來到韓國感受那份感動並學習韓語 :) Ten Ten 老師的檔案 - 已取得 JLPT N1/JLPT N2 177 分- 主修國際貿易學系- 大約 2 年 7 個月的國外業務經歷- 線上購物:Ten Ten 商店代表人- Ten Ten 日語家教/經營 Ten Ten 日語部落格及 Instagram Ten Ten 老師的課程? - 會以學員程度和興趣規劃課程。 - 提供課程結束後仍能隨時複習的詳細課後回饋! - Ten Ten 老師不會讓課程變得乏味無趣且浪費時間。我會開心地和你分享許多不可思議的韓國文化、韓國流行語和簡寫。 和 Ten T
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Kei Schönberg