She is so fun to talk with. Full of joy to know new field which I am not familiar with, such as autopsy, forensic, criminal investigations. Of course regular conversation is also very exciting. So unique she is.
Gem is good at guiding students to speak out. During the period, we always talk about attractive issues. For instance, psychology, educational system, etc. I reckon that it is perfect to improve my speaking ability and develop the competence of critical thinking.
Fantastic tutor who help my son adapt and thrive at his new school, French Lycee. She's always well prepared and has plenty of colourful, child friendly materials.
안녕하세요! 한국어 강사 Yuni J입니다. 여러분, 안녕하세요! 한국어를 가르치고 있는 유니라고 합니다.저는 미술 대학에서 디자인을 전공하였고 미술관 가는 것을 좋아합니다. 호주에서 영어 어학연수를 위해 1년 6개월 있었고,이탈리아에서 2년간 디자인을 공부하고 대학원을 졸업했습니다.일본은 나가사키에서 3년 가까이 지낸 적이 있습니다. 여러 나라의 어학원을 다니면서 자연스럽게 모국어인 한국어에도 관심을 가지게 되었습니다. 한국어를 제대로 배우기 위해 온라인 대학에 편입해서 2년간 '한국어학'을 전공했습니다. 2022년에 졸업했고 '한국어 교원 자격증' 2급을 취득했습니다. 일본에는 공부를 위해 간 것이 아니라 남편의 회사일로 갔기 때문에일본어를 아주 잘하지는 못하
Hi! I am a professional Musical theatre actress usually based in NYC. Because of the pandemic, I'm currently residing in Japan. Ever since I graduated from college in NYC, I've been working professionally as a musical theatre performer and music director in the states. I've been performing in NYC and regionally with many broadway veterans. With my professional experience as a Singer/ Dancer/ Ac
こんにちは。カフェトークで韓国語講師として活動しているスミと申します。2025年、明けましておめでとうございます!カフェトークで活動してもう3年目になります。 今まで多くの学生たちとレッスンを進行しながら楽しくて幸せな時間でした。 これからも多くの学生が韓国語でより気楽に話せる講師になるよう努力します。 今年もよろしくお願いします! PROFILE * B.A. in Business Japanese, Hankuk University of Foreign Studies / B.A. in Literature * B.A. in Korean language as a foreign language * Graduated from a confectionery school in Japan with a degree in baking * Holds JLPT
Hello! My name is Jennifer. I am from Mexico! I love teaching people from different backgrounds and ages and impart my skills and knowledge. I have taught for more than 5 years, my favorite subjects are mathematics and physics, but I also like Spanish. As a teacher I want to help others but also learn from them, that helps me to teach better. I am learning English as a second language, so I know h
大家好!我是德語講師Emma。★自我介紹★我畢業於德國的耶拿大學,主修「Deutsch als Fremdsprache(二外德語)」,也就是類似日本的日語教育。我具備教授外籍人士德語的專業知識,還曾在京都的大學實習1個月,期間擔任初中級德語會話班的講師。★關於課程★我的課很注重口說,具體而言就是不太會使用艱澀的文法。我會先讓學員記住日常生活中常用的說法,再去自然而然地習得文法規則,雖然不太適合想以文法為中心學習的人,但很推薦重視會話及對文法有點感冒的人預約。不只是語言,我也有提供能學到德語圈習俗及文化的課程。※詳細内容請看各課程之介紹。★興趣★我的興趣是學習外語和旅行,除了德語以外,我還會英語、法語、韓語及一點俄語和盧森堡語。針對有需要的學員,我也能提供外語學習建議。我也很喜歡吉祥物及動畫角色,我是職棒吉祥物、懶懶熊及寶可夢的粉絲。我特別愛寶可夢,動畫幾乎都是看德語版!感謝你看到最後,
最佳課程獎票選評價 2024 年秋冬最佳課程獎 →
Connie Gautreaux
Cindy Tang
Gem C