Hello, my name is Cristy. I have a certification in TEFL.I grew up in Lousiville, Kentucky, which is in USA on the borders of the southern and midwestern regions. Lousiville is also home of the world famous horse race the Kentucky Derby.I think the most helpful thing in learning something new is having a use for that information as soon as possible. Practising language skills using topics the stud
Hi there, thank you very much for visiting my profile. My name is Dalivanh. I am currently living in Japan. I am looking for students who are interested in taking Lao, Thai and Enlish Lessons. I will be very happy to receive your messages. See you in class :) Fluent in Vietnamese, Lao, Thai and English Studied Economics in Australia and Japan Over 12 years of teaching experience, both onlin
※ こちらも是非ご確認下さい。 → English with ayako sakai Hello, I'm ayako. 東京で育ち、高校卒業後アメリカへ留学。州立大学に4年間在籍し心理学と社会学を専攻しました。卒業後、日本で英語講師としてのキャリアをスタート。現在はインドネシア、バリ島で暮らしながら主にオンラインで英語のレッスンを行っています。MY LIFE - 生活拠点Tokyo>> the United States>> Tokyo>> Tokushima, Shikoku>> Bali, Indonesia 必要ない事、無駄な事は生活から無くし、海を身近にシンプル生活を送っています。余分なものがないと頭の中も「素」に。昭和な人間とよく言われます。BACKGROUND - 生い立ちマイペースな性格からか集団生活、周りと同じ事を
Hello, my name is Kagawa. I majored in Chinese language at university and have lived in Chinese-speaking regions for over 20 years. During this time, after studying in Beijing, I worked in Beijing, Shanghai, and Dongguan, Guangdong before moving to Hong Kong in 2003, where I have lived ever since. I have taught HSK preparation and Chinese to children of local expatriates, as well a
Hello everyone. I'm Remi and I'm a vocal coach. Using the method that was invented in LA for professional vocalists, I offer lessons that specialize in the characteristics of vocalization of Japanese people. It is as if you're playing sports and you need to adjust your forms. Please enjoy the gradual transformation of your voice. Rather than thinking you're learning from a music teacher, please t
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Ami sensei
Bradley Anderson
Paula Veronesi
Phillip Knott
Andreas Lechner