I really enjoy learning with this tutor! Not only is he a great conversationalist, but his ability to create a relaxed and natural environment makes it easy to practice speaking without felling pressured. Every lesson feels both fun and productive.
Highly recommended for anyone looking to improve their conversation skills!
各位學員好!我叫Lewis,來自英國的倫敦,目前住在日本的山梨縣擔任英語講師,我同時也是位私人教練!雖說我是講師,但我也正在努力加強自身的教學技巧及理解能力,因此我認為自己也是位學員。我雖是從去年才開始在東京教授英語,但早在2013年就先以私人教練的身分開班授課,採團體及一對一授課。至今我常為了增廣見聞而到處旅行,這使我被迫與指導的學員分開,這對學員來說是一件打擊很大的事,他們知道我要離開也都很失望難過!但現在我在線上授課,所以不管在世界的哪個角落都能跟各位分享我的課程,這著實是一個很好的管道。 關於課程我的指導經驗豐富,曾教過國高中生及高齡者,課程從日常英語會話到商業英語都有,內容多元。我最喜歡的教科書之一是Bob Dignen寫的《 Communicating in Business English》,各位可以在亞馬遜買到,價格為3,000日幣。我每次都會出作業給學員,請他們用英語寫
Thank you for visiting my profile. I started offering online piano lessons in hopes of sharing the joy and pleasure of playing the piano with as many people as possible! If you have a piano that has been sitting around, or if you would like to learn to play the piano as a personal hobby, why not take this opportunity to try playing the piano? <Targeted Age Range> I have no age limit!
Hello, I'm Ben! I'm a native English speaker originally from California. My journey as a tutor began in college, where I worked with foreign exchange students from Japan. It was a rewarding experience that sparked my passion for teaching. Since then, I've continued tutoring elementary and high school students in America, gaining experience with learners from a diverse set of backgrounds and
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