Hello! My name is Esther and I am from Barcelona, Spain, but I'm currently livin in a charming place called Ferrol in the north of Spain. I had lived two years and a half in a beautiful city in the suburbs of Tokyo, where I started to work as a tutor of Spanish for Japanese people. I have been teaching Spanish for 10 years. The objective of my classes is to teach Spanish in an easy, fun and comf
※ Please note that lessons are only available for adults and university students who can speak Japanese. The reason is that I only feel comfortable teaching students whose native language I can speak fluently. The English information on this page is only for reference purposes. ※ I have Master of General and Applied Linguistics (Advanced) from Australian National University ※ I was born in Austra
Have fun while studying conversational Japanese or for JLPT exams!I am a kind and thorough tutor.I have taught Japanese for 10 years as a volunteer and 5 years at a language school.I hold a Japanese teaching certification. NEW: Friday's lesson times have changed from September. ・Please contact me about lessons schedules. For example, "Can you offer a lesson on *month* *date* at *time*?" &n
★韓国語未経験の方、初心者の方、初級者の方専用の日本語によるレッスンです。(My lessons are only conducted in Japanese, so I cannot give lessons in English or Korean.) ゚+.☆自己紹介☆゚+. 名前:aimy出身地:日本資格:TOPIK6級留学:韓国語語学堂 最高級課程 修了私は韓国語を独学で勉強した後、韓国ソウルに2年間語学留学をしました。大学では最高級課程を修了し、TOPIK6級にも2度合格しています^^韓国在住歴は5年、韓国語学習歴はトータル20年以上になります。韓国語の独学の経験と、現地で学んだ体系的な教授法を織り交ぜて、日本人の皆様に楽しく、わかりやすいレッスンをご提供いたします♪ ゚+.☆こんな方にオススメ☆゚+. 韓国語を習ってみたいけれど..近くに教室がない。独学だとなかなか続かない
Hallo! My name is Emily and if you are looking for creative ways to improve your German speaking or writing skills you came to just the right place. I would describe myself as patient and open-minded, and my experiences in different fields of life, such as biology, music, theater and more, helpful to understanding the person I talk to and adapting to their needs. Teaching Experience
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Ryoko koko
Minami F
Teacher Hanne
C Milos
J Min
Momo Sensei