Jane is good at the art of inquiry. She always raises a few questions for me to do critical thinking. Aside from that, the worksheet is systematic and easy to comprehend. Many thanks, Jane.
I have been studying Russian with Vera for a year and half. I like the articles she chooses and she is patient to guide me through the articles. It's been a great experience. :)
Introduction:Hello! My name is Yurika. I'm from Okinawa, japan. I have some mottos which are "Life is Short" and "Stay Hungry, Stay Foolish". Since you only live once, I've decided to do what I want and I've tried various things that I've had an interest in. I like to learn and gain new experiences. I have been to Canada for one year to study English. I've also been to the USA, Korea and Taiwan fo
各位好! 關於我:我是住在美國德克薩斯州的Tracy(崔西)。最近搬到這個廣大的土地,要適應乾燥的氣候可能要花費一點時間了。笑我非常喜歡學習語言。其他興趣有讀書,電視遊戲,料理,編織等。講師經驗:在大學學習了關於語言的課程。想在畢業後運用,所以成為英語講師且到了日本。在日本的私人和公立的學校授課,學生的範圍從孩子到大人。課程內容:教授的內容有從日常會話到文法,發音,然後教科書上學不到的道地英語。總之,想提供想給各位快樂的課程。除了英語以外也有鉤針編織的課程,請看看。但是必須要有鏡頭。那麼,期待在課程中見面囉! 2014.12 - CafetalkPlease come and have fun learning new things with me!
Hello, my name is Yuri. Let's have fun studying Japanese and English together!♪ I currently reside in the southern United States. I love playing with my two cute, energetic dogs♪ I also love matcha flavored foods and drinks! When I was still living in Japan, I worked with Americans on the US military base. Since moving to the US, I have studied English Development at a community college. I also o
I have studied spirituality with respected teachers in England, Japan, and overseas, and will mainly share messages from the spirit world. I try to give spirituality that is close to your feelings. I hope to bring healing, hope, and awareness to all of you. I believe that many of your loved ones in the spirit world would like to send you messages. I also hope that you yourself will be inspired to
Hello future student! I am Imane ^^ I live in Morocco, right on the beach, as you can see in the picture! When I’m not teaching, you’ll often find me enjoying the ocean breeze with a book in hand, just like in the picture! I'm a passionate French teacher with five years of experience and a strong academic background: I hold a bachelor’s degree in French linguistics and literature and a master’s
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Charles (チャールズ)
Jane M.
Vera V
AKI Coach