Fantastic tutor who help my son adapt and thrive at his new school, French Lycee. She's always well prepared and has plenty of colourful, child friendly materials.
Ciao!我是住在佛羅倫斯的Alberto。我活用身為專業講師的豐富經驗及知識,針對中~高級者開授課程及商用義大利語課。我會在釐清每位學員的弱項及程度後,耐心指導與其程度及目的相符的課程。 【自我介紹】 從波隆那大學畢業後,我就在一般公司行號上班。後來又在30年前左右設立以外籍學生為對象的義大利語語言學校。我的義大利語教學經驗掐指一算已超過35年,我與來自世界各地,年齡層廣泛的留學生們在互動之中互相學習。此外,我也以學術義大利語ーAccademia Italiana di Lingua (AIL)的成員身分,參與AIL主辦的義大利語檢定考題設計並擔任面試官。 在家時我喜歡閱讀,有時也會幫高中生的女兒(日義混血)看功課或準備考試。我喜愛大自然,會在天氣好的日子前往托斯卡納沿海地區慢走或到附近的山脈健行。我目前也正在學日語(考了3次終於考過日語能力檢定N3了!)。我會說英語、德語、法
Hello! I'm Sergio, a Spanish teacher with a degree in Philology. I have over five years of experience teaching in Spanish schools and offering private lessons. My teaching style is practical, focusing on everyday conversations using videos and images to create an engaging learning environment. In my free time, I enjoy gardening and cooking healthy meals. My classes are tailored to your needs, cove
Hello! I am Moeko, a piano and English tutor, who lived in Illinois from the age of 1 to 11, spent junior high, high school and university in Japan before coming to the USA again for graduate school, where I am currently working towards a Doctor of Musical Arts in piano at Stony Brook University in New York. I have been based in Japan since 2021, performing and teaching piano and English conversa
I love teaching as a team. I see my lessons as a way to expand my students knowledge and interests in English. I'm open to new ideas and approaches to teaching and learning. We aren't in school so language should be engaging and fun!A little about me, I'm from the US and love to travel through nature. So if it's camping or a hike I'm in! In my free time I sew, alot. Clothing for myself, dolls, and
Hello! My name is Aoi. I am a professional ballet dancer in the Romanian National Ballet Company. I perform the role of a soloist in the National Ballet Company. I welcome anyone from adults who want to learn ballet for the first time, to students who want to become professional ballet dancers♪ I also have obtained a diploma as an instructor, so I will teach you how to use your body correctly b
こんにちは!英語講師のHiroko U です。基礎をしっかり、でも楽しく学びたい!資格対策のため、きっちり学びたい!そんなあなた、帰国子女ではなく、普通の学生時代を送りながらTOEIC560点→960点とスコアを伸ばし、スピーキングも長期留学経験者に引けを取らないHiroko Uと一緒に、日本人講師ならではの、かゆいところに手が届くレッスンで学びましょう♪大手英会話スクールで講師として約4年、通常の英会話コースに加えTOEICコースも担当し、その後は講師業だけでなくSkypeオンラインスクールの講師トレーナーとしても勤務し、たくさんの生徒さまの語学学習のお手伝いをしてきました。英会話・語学のお仕事は、合計12年を超えました。☆レッスンについて☆私のレッスンでは、TESOL(英語教授法)に基づいた効果的なレッスンの流れをベースに、生徒さまの興味から、言葉を使っていくことへ発展させていきます
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Sae K
Raul Barrera
Finn S
ikuko sensei