The teacher has been helping me with the basics in the Chinese language for a few months now and it has been really helpful. Pronunciation in the language is crucial and can be tricky at times, but the teacher is really patient. She also encourages me! I appreciate the teacher's effort in putting together the lesson resources and the material!
Thanks a lot!
About Me I usually in my lesson Informal Tutoring talk about Hoby, Movie, School, Vacation Experience, or depends of the student. Me as a Teacher I have been teaching almost 8 years. I have a lot of studens from different country, of course different characher and dialect. In this case, I do not require my students to speak perfectly. I teach slowly according to the student needs. My lessons &
Hello! I am “okayuki”, a sign language instructor. The first time I learned sign language was when I volunteered for Deaf Soccer. I was surprised to see how fast the signers could communicate with each other. I wanted to be able to communicate with hearing-impaired people using smooth sign language, so I started studying by attending workshops and schools. After that, the vocational school wher
Hello, Sawatdii Kha, Nice to meet you! I'm Ling, a Thai language teacher. I am Thai from Bangkok. but I currently live near Tokyo, where I have been teaching Thai for 8 years. My hobbies are watching movie, traveling and readings. Here is my background of Employment and Education. <Employment> 2014 - now Thai language Instructor in Tokyo Japan 2000 - 2006 Bank of Ayudhya, Bangkok, Thailand
大家好,我叫曾凱琪。我來自澳門,現在住在台灣桃園。我在澳門高中畢業後,就來了台灣念大學,我念的大學是國立政治大學的中國文學系。由於我從小就很喜歡當小老師去教別人,而來台灣後又發現很多人都對廣東話很興趣,於是我就有了想教大家講廣東話的這個想法,我來了台灣4,5年,中文已經能講的很流利了,所以我的課程大致上都用中文去教,but if you are from the other places and cannot understand Chinese, I can teach in English to let you learn Cantonese easily. (๑•̀ω•́)ノ在台灣這4,5年我發現廣東話跟中文去比較的話,有些用語上廣東話的說法會比中文來得有趣,像是在形容一些比較誇張的情況,我們的形容會變得比較千奇百怪,但解釋完後又能讓人很容易去記憶跟理
Hello! My name is Mami. After graduating from university, I worked for an airline company and then immigrated to Canada in an attempt to find a new career overseas. I have been living in Canada for 3 years now, and I have been working full time as a receptionist for a cooperation that manages hotels. I have recently been given the responsibility of management, sales, and recruiting. If you are wo
みなさん、こんにちは!フリーランス日本語教師のYukaです。Hi! I'm Yuka, a Japanese language teacher.大家好,我是一名專業日文老師.・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・私は2016年から日本語を教えています。2016年から2021年まで、東京にある日本語学校で教えて、2021年から今まではオンラインで世界中の人に日本語を教えています。Youtube【Yuka's nihongo cafe】でもいろいろな日本語のコンテンツを発信しています。Podcastもあるので、ぜひ聞いてください! I have been teaching Japanese since 2016. From 2016 to 2021, I taught at a Japanese language school in Tokyo, and from 2021 until
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Mitsui Alice
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